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Sweden is violating European Union Directives

The Swedish Radio Ekot reported recently that tens of thousands of refugees that arrived in 2015 still have not, after more than two years, been for their first interview at the Swedish Migration Agency . In addition to this, the Migration Agency has changed its prognosis from having a goal of processing all cases from 2015 by the end of this year, to processing all cases from 2015 by the beginning of 2018. This according to #vistarinteut is going against the European Union rules since, according to the European Union Asylum Procedure Directives, under any circumstances all cases should be processed and concluded through their first review within at the most 21 months.

Article 31 regulates the procedures at the first instance

According to EU asylum procedure directive, article 31 number 3, the first review of an asylum seeker should be completed within the first 6 months. This means that from the time an asylum seeker has been registered, they should have a decision within 6 months. The EU member states can however be allowed an additional 9 months if the case is legally complicated (31.3a), if many refugees arrive within a short time (31.3b) or if the delay is caused by the asylum seeker him or herself (31.3c).

To make this clear, this means that it is within the rules of the EU directive that an asylum seeker can wait for 15 months before getting an answer to the application, but all cases should have received an answer within 21 months from the date of first application.

This means that Sweden is not following EU Asylum Procedures Directives when thousands of applicants haven’t even been given their first interview after 24 months.

More complicated cases, but lower economic compensation for the legal representative

According to the Swedish Radio EKOT, the Swedish Migration Agency has had a high turnover of interviewing personnel. #vistarinteut draws the conclusion that this high turnover and loss of competent and experienced personnel will delay the asylum processing even further. Also, to evaluate unaccompanied minors requires special expertise, according to the directive (article 25.3 a and b).

The Swedish Migration Agency explains that the long waiting times are due to the complicated nature of these particular cases. This is an explanation which sounds suspiciously like article 31.3a.

However, is it logical that more complicated and time consuming cases should lead to a lower compensation of the legal representatives for their work, meaning that these legal representatives will be giving these cases less time?

#vistarinteut insists that the lack of experience and competence of personnel at the Swedish Migration Agency should be questioned and in light of the EU directives, the legality of the extremely long waiting times should be investigated.

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  • Juridik

Rörelsen #vistårinteut består av socionomer, pedagoger, enhets- och verksamhetschefer, sjuksköterskor, familjehem, barnmorskor, läkare, psykologer, diakoner, präster, konsulter, genusvetare, beteendevetare, människorättsvetare, forskare, projektledare, handledare, gode män, jurister, volontärer och medmänniskor som på ett eller annat sätt är engagerade i gruppen ensamkommande barn och ungdomar. Vi jobbar bland annat i skolan, på HVB- hem, inom socialtjänst, psykiatri, vård eller i familjehem. Många av oss har mångårig erfarenhet av att arbeta med och möta gruppen ensamkommande.

Talespersoner/contact #vistårinteut
Kinna Skoglund +4670 – 849 47 32
Sara Edvardson Ehrnborg +4673 – 396 94 18

Rörelsen #vistårinteut ser barn och ungdomar som allas angelägenhet och arbetar dagligen för att deras rättigheter beaktas och att de behandlas på samma sätt som andra barn och unga. Vi ser dem som bärare av rättigheter enligt barnkonventionen och mänskliga rättigheter. 

Vi kräver:

1. Att stat och kommuner omedelbart stoppar omflyttningarna av ensamkommande barn och unga som befinner sig i asylprocess, i suicidpreventivt syfte.

2. Att Migrationsverket fryser alla utvisningar för ensamkommande barn och unga omedelbart utifrån den rättsosäkerhet och brist på kunskap om barnperspektivet som råder på Migrationsverket.

3. Att våra politiker tar beslut om amnesti för alla ensamkommande barn och unga som varit i Sverige mer än ett år.

The movement #vistarinteut, (We can't stand this), was jumpstarted ten months ago by almost 9000 teachers, psychologists, social workers, lawyers, nurses, aid workers, voluntary families and many more. We have more than 56 000 persons agreeing with us by liking our Facebook page.

The movement #vistårinteut demands

1. That the Swedish Migration Agency immediately freezes all deportations of all unaccompanied minors and youth due to the legal uncertainty and lack of knowledge of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) which currently is predominant at the Swedish Migration Agency

2. That our politicians grant a refugee amnesty giving asylum to all children and youth who have been in Sweden for more than a year

3. That the state and local governments immediately stop the relocation within Sweden of thousands of unaccompanied minors and youth during their asylum process as a mean to prevent more suicides in Sweden by young refugees

We are not politically affiliated to any political party and we are not affiliated to any religious group.


Kinna Skoglund

Presskontakt Presskontakt 0708-494732

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