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You might think buying a janitorial services software is a little bit over the top because after all, the task is just “simply” cleaning, right? You might even be thinking “it’s an unnecessary task to automate and janitorial services software is expensive.” Well, better think again.

For us to understand its importance, we need to know the value of a tidy and organized workplace. The average number of hours a worker spends inside the office is 40 hours a week, which is 1,920 hours a year. It may look like a small number considering a year is 8,760 hours but that’s not counting sleep, or commute or other things that are monotonous. 8 hours actually is a long time to be staying someplace dirty.

It is not just phone calls, coffee breaks, lunch breaks and non-work related disruptions that can affect our efficiency as employees. Imagine working in a dusty room. The floor is smudgy and sticky. Clutter is everywhere. The trash bin is full to bursting. The pantry is dotted with coffee stains and has a broken faucet. Cobwebs “decorate” the ceilings and walls. One or two lighting fixtures are flickering or dying out. The restroom is—well, let’s just say it’s unkempt.

The question is who would want to work in this kind of poorly maintained environment?

The unanimous answer is certainly a big ‘NO ONE’. Based on the infographics entitled “Value of Clean” by ISSA (The Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association), exposure to dust affects worker’s cognitive skills by 2-6%. A dirty workplace decreases work productivity by 54%. Statistics aside, it is not just unsightly and nose-twitching but it has a direct correlation to a worker’s health and well-being. In case you didn’t know, the average sick leave an employee files because of this is 7.7 days a year. This will cost a company more or less $225.8 billion a year.

So, we should ever be grateful to the hard-working and dedicated janitors and custodians. However, how can a company assure cleaning tasks are indeed carried out? Trust is not the issue here but the need to enforce quality assurance on all aspects of the business including janitorial services. This is where janitorial services software helps a company. It grants the company the control it needs to monitor custodian tasks.

What are the typical features of this system or software? Digitized time and attendance logins/logouts, real-time updates of each accomplished task, accessibility thru multiple platforms/devices (smartphones, computer or laptop) and report generation. These are programmed inside the system all for the sake of quality assurance.

The building or workplace of the company is its physical representation. It portrays the professional image of the company. ISSA’s “Value of Clean” infographics states that the cleanliness of the place is customers’ number one concern. This holds true during client visits and you need to set a positive impression the moment they step in your building. By checking the system, you can assure customers a regular cleaning is carried out.

ISSA did hit the nail when they say, “Clean facilities are not just a cost. They generate revenue.” So, it does matter if you spend a lot of money buying cleaning products, hiring janitors and getting latest janitorial services software. If it means happy and satisfied employees and customers, it is all worth it.

The Value of Clean

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  • value of clean
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