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Garden gnomes take full advantage of the latest AR-technology

Gnomes are an iconic symbol of Christmas and people have gone to great length to ensure their gnomes are able to share their life. However despite their tiny size gnomes can be cumbersome to travel with and consequently many are left behind while families gather together during the festive season.

Until now…

Thanks to modern technologies and a bunch of gnome-loving IT-guys garden gnomes are now able to share and enjoy Christmas with the rest of us.

Just in time for Christmas Phosworks Digital Ideas, a Swedish based digital agency, has released Gnomify an Augmented Reality (AR) app that brings the beauty of garden gnomes into pictures with minimum effort. No more lugging entire gnome collection around to capture that perfect family portrait or special event, just use Gnomify.

Ola Diös, CEO at Phosworks explains ”Phosworks’ mission is to ”create digital ideas for a sustainable future” and bringing an entire gnome collection on a flight is neither comfortable nor sustainable. This is why we create a small task group to solve this apparently trivial but nonetheless important issue

Peter Drugge, Gnomify technical director, guarantees that anyone will be able to use the AR-app as ”it’s just a matter of picking your favorite gnome model, set the scene, point and shoot. Et voilà!

The team has hand-picked a range of gnome models to make sure there is a gnome for any occasion. Using the convenient gnomify size selector users can tailor gnome size to their liking: Gnome-size, real-life size or larger than life size.

Last but not least the app Advanced Gnome Lighting Technology (AGLT) prevents poorly lit gnomes from ruining any photos regardless of the mood of the picture Candlelight Gnome? Moonlight Gnome? Daylight Gnome? No problem, the AGLT will create that perfect Christmas feeling.

Got Gnome? Get Gnomify!

Gnomify is available for free on the app store.


  • Lifestyle, Fashion, Leisure


  • ar
  • christmas
  • app

Phosworks Digital Ideas is a Swedish creative digital agency with in-house production of Gnome apps for Christmas.