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Volunteer blog: A day at the beach by Jeanette

”The time goes fast when you are having fun!” Oh yes, I can certainly agree with that. I have been here in South Africa for approximately two months now, and the days are flying away. No day is the same as another, I love it!

I got one special task three weeks ago, the task was to organize one day at the beach for all the 300 kids. It was of course a huge challenge for me. But with help from the staff, we made this day so wonderful and unforgettable for the kids. The staff was suppose to arrive to the center at 8 am to start the preparations, but when we arrived, the kids were already waiting outside, almost 90 minutes before we usually open the center and let them in. To the happiness and excitement on all the kids, is almost indescribable.

At 10 am we were on our way to the beach. I had decided that the schedule for the day should be something like this; first arriving at the beach and then play games, then lunch time and after that swimming. But my schedule burst as soon as we arrived!

When we first arrived, all the kids ran out from the busses and threw off their clothes and directly ran to the water. But that didn´t matter, since they seemed so happy and excited about this trip.

While the children were playing and swimming, I, Xoliswa and Hazel prepared the lunch. Nearly 300 hundred hot dogs were made. It took us some hours to make the lunch, but it took only 5 minutes and all the hotdogs were eaten. The sun was shining the whole day and everything was perfect! I thought it would be a good idea for the kids to sleep on the way home, but instead, they sang and danced in the busses.

This day will absolutely be one of my most memorable days from this journey to South Africa! The best part of the day was when one kid came up to me, knocked me on my leg and said ”can I have a goodbye hug”, my heart is still filled with happiness!

Read Jeanette’s blog at:


  • Barn, ungdom


  • barn
  • cape town
  • charity
  • kapstaden
  • kids
  • project playground
  • south africa
  • trygghet
  • välgörenhet
  • beach