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Do you also have money left on the table? - Increase your compliance with purchasing agreements!

How to increase compliance with purchasing agreements

-  How many percentages of your purchases comply with a negotiated purchasing agreement?

-  How much extra profit could you make if you could increase this number by only 10%?

Compliance with purchasing agreements

Do you also have money on the table? Have you negotiated great purchasing agreements, maybe implemented an operational procurement system but still have low compliance? This would mean that you never see the actual savings on your P/L statement. Many companies have the same problems and research shows that very often those companies have focused on the formal governance structure but less on the informal governance.

What is formal and informal governance? Formal governance is the control systems put in place such as processes, policies and procurement systems i.e. to give instructions, tools and processes. Informal governance happens when the individuals understands the processes and “what’s in it for me” - to guide people to find out by themselves what to do.

To increase compliance you need formal governance as well as informal governance. The formal governance is a robust structure of how to purchase and is one of the cornerstones to increased compliance. The formal governance normally consists of:

·  A clear and communicated purchasing policy

·  Sourcing teams and teamwork

·  Purchasing processes

·  Different performance indicators (KPIs)

·  An operational procurement system

Informal governance is the other cornerstone to increased compliance. Driving informal governance takes longer time than formal governance. Different people do not come to insight at the same pace and different organizations could be influenced by different leaderships. To increase compliance you need to reach the single individual and guide them to insight and actions, e.g: What will it mean for my company and me if I don’t follow the process to use negotiated agreements? Could I benefit and could it make my job easier if I used the negotiated agreements? Could there be any risks, for the company and for me as a person, if I don’t use the agreements? To get people understand and really change, you need a clear change management and change communication strategy.

You need both formal and informal governance to increase compliance. It is not a matter of stronger och weaker governance, just different.

Common pitfalls

-  Companies develop new policies and processes and communicate them by “one-way communication” through PowerPoint’s or lectures and then believes they are implemented

-   Leaders in the company are not leading by example. I.e. they have not bought into using the purchasing agreements themselves and do not understand the benefit

-  Employees do not understand the benefits of using the negotiated purchasing agreements

-  Employees do not understand the risks by not using the purchasing agreements

Do you want to know more?

ChaseXL has developed a method for how to increase compliance to negotiated purchasing agreements by combining formal and informal governance.
Would you like more information about our method? Call us already today and sign up for a meeting with our expert Christian Carlsson +46 703 86 33 12,


  • Ekonomi


  • efterlevnad av inköpsavtal
  • symbal
  • change
  • road to compliance
  • inköpsavtal
  • användande

ChaseXL är inköpsexperter med en tydlig vision: Att hjälpa våra kunder till Purchasing Excellence!
Vi erbjuder företag hjälp till mätbara besparingar genom fyra affärsområden:
Inköpsexpert att hyra
- Hur mycket extra besparingar skulle ni kunna göra om ni haft tillgång till fler resurser med hög inköpskompetens?
Dra nytta av våra inköpsexperter som arbetar på plats hos er efter ert behov och hjälper er till ökad effektivitet och kontroll som leder till mätbara besparingar.

- Vilka besparingar skulle ni kunna göra om ni haft tillgång till duktiga förhandlare inom fler inköpskategorier?
Fokusera era resurser på de områden de är bäst på och använd våra resurser där ni behöver ökad kompetens. Vi har lång erfarenhet av förhandling och flera inköps-kategorier.

Konsulttjänster - inköpskonsulter:
-Vad behöver ni göra för att förbättra er inköpsförmåga?
- Hur väl fungerar inköpsorganisationens samarbete med övriga organisationer?
Vi hjälper er att utveckla och införa inköpsstrategier, rutiner, organisation och produkthantering för att öka er lönsamhet.

- Hur bra kompetens har era inköpsmedarbetare för att göra optimala inköp?
Inköparens roll är väldigt komplex och kompetenta inköpsmedarbetare är en strategisk differentiering. Vi utbildar er personal till bättre kunskap att göra optimala inköp.

Compliance av avtal
- Hur mycket större besparingar skulle ni kunna göra om ni vore bättre på att använda era avtal? ChaseXL är experter på inköp och förändringskommunikation. Vi hjälper dig att får din organisation till att använda era förhandlade avtal och därmed öka er compliance. Detta ger er stora besparingar och ökad kontroll.

För mer info besök: