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Qlutter’s collaboration tool aims to help teams build more fulfilling workdays, not just more productive ones

STOCKHOLM -- How much does individual productivity matter in the workplace? Not as much as you think, according to the team behind, a new web application for teams that launches today in Stockholm. Qlutter is designed around the philosophy that a great work environment is about focusing on the right things, not just getting more done.

The team behind Qlutter has roots in startups and software companies (Delivery Hero, ProjectPlace, Qapital), large companies (EMC, Salesforce, TV4) and management consulting (McKinsey). They worked for 18 months to build the product together with selected customers, mainly larger organizations who wanted to empower managers to be more proactive with team support. Qlutter is now available to the general market as a web-based subscription.

“Most teamwork tools put project management goals first. We wanted to make something that would help teams improve holistically but also get things done efficiently,” says CEO Adam Wiman, whose background as a McKinsey consultant has informed some of the thinking behind Qlutter. “Customers tell us that Qlutter is the first tool that teams have actually stuck with - because they see the benefits of using it. We’re proud of that.”

Team leaders and managers use Qlutter to get a high-level overview and a daily task list for each individual. They also collect data over time and see measurable improvements, including in team morale. The aim is to help team leaders open the right lines of communication, take action, and build trust and confidence.

“Qlutter is much more than a task management tool, and we know it works, so we’re delighted to see it launch to the wider public,” says Johan Zetterstrom, ex-CEO of ProjectPlace and former VP at Salesforce. Zetterstrom is one of Qlutter’s investors and a member of its board. “Qlutter has a methodology around it that teams can buy into, and we’ve seen that they really will.”

This methodology encourages teams to change their way of working by collaborating better, not just trying to work faster. It emphasises the value of short, action-focused daily meetings, and paying special attention to the kinds of ongoing issues that can drag a team down over time.

Research by economists at the UK’s University of Warwick shows that happy workers are 12% more productive. “But you can’t just make happiness a moral obligation and expect to get more done,” says Wiman. “A good environment is what helps you do great things, and that’s what we’re trying to help with. You get productivity as a side-effect.”

Qlutter’s core features include:

  • Activity: Weekly task list that makes it easy to create and discuss daily priorities
  • Planning: Kanban-style board for keeping track of long-term plans
  • Mood: A daily tracker that helps focus discussions about team morale
  • Improvement: A place to list (and act on) tasks for continuous improvement

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Qlutter is a subscription-based online collaboration tool that helps teams plan, measure, and reach their long-term goals, one step at a time. It also helps teams collaborate with other teams across organizations of any size. It is also a winner of the 2016 Venture Cup, recognized for its potential to transform businesses. Qlutter was founded in 2015, and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. For more information or to request a demo, go to