Press release -

Swedish tech startup Referanza selected for Collision in Las Vegas.

Collision, the sister event of Web Summit which has been described by The Wall Street Journal as “Davos for geeks” and by The New York Times as “grand conclaves of the tech industries high priests”, has chosen the Swedish startup Referanza to join Collision on May 5th in Las Vegas.

Referanza, founded in 2014 by tech entrepreneur Joakim Turesson, has been in “stealth mode” until recently when rolling up the curtains to the world. Today, releasing the first version of the software myReferanza and having done 65+ customer cases, the startup is ready to launch and aims to make a fast global appearance.

Joakim Turesson tells the story:

-“We are obviously delighted and proud to be a part of Collision and the top startups of the world. We made a short appearance in Dublin on the Web Summit in November and we were overwhelmed by the enormous size, energy and openness. Instead of being there to compete, we closed many valuable contacts and international potential partners. Being in California for 10 days in May will also let us schedule many meetings with partners, exciting companies and potential investors”.

myReferanza is an advertising software tool to activate potential storytellers within the actual customer base of the company.

Joakim Turesson again:

-“We are going beyond the standardized way of finding and activating influencers. Today; many companies and solutions are built on the power of celebrities, bloggers and free-bee- testers. In our case, we are launching a brand new way to activate trusted promotors. What can be more trust worthy than an actual customer telling a story to the world about how good your business is? We will show the world how in may”.

Patrick Griffith, lead startup curator at Collision gives his thoughts on why Referanza was selected:

- "First of all, many great products and companies have started their journey in Sweden. Skype, Klarna, Mojang and many more are today’s leaders within their industry and we are always looking for the next big thing. Referanza has an exciting approach and having done such a great job in Dublin, we feel that they are great representatives of the global community we are building".

Press contacts:

Referanza AB

Joakim Turesson, CEO & Founder

+46 733 662 866


Patrick Griffith, startup curator

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About Referanza:

Referanza is a technology platform disrupting the way we look at advertising. We apply storytelling and references using mobile imaging, text stories and moving video, all produced by actual consumers. By using the myReferanza SaaS, seamlessly converting happy customers and consumers to become social storytellers, great companies gain earned marketing, reputation and word-of-mouth advertising.

About Collision:

Collision is Web Summits’s sister event, and found a home in Tony Hsieh’s Downtown project in Vegas. In 4 short years, Web Summit has become Europe’s largest tech conference attracting over 20.000 attendees from around the world. Collision is the vision for a new type of conference for America: A meeting place for 10.000 people who are both building the companies of tomorrow and and managing the companies of today. The first Collision was held in Downtown Vegas in may 2014. It was the first Beta test. In 2015, Collision will grow to a 10.000 person conference.


Joakim Turesson

Press contact Chief Executive Office (CEO) CEO 0733662866