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SendBite nu på Svenska

Nu lanserar vi den populära tjänsten SendBite på Svenska. Eftersom vi har varit i en intensiv utvecklingsfas fram tills nu, så har vi fått avvakta med den Svenska versionen, säger Mats Lindström, VD på SendBite of Sweden AB. 

Vi är också strax klara med en Norsk och Tysk version av verktyget.


  • Webbtjänster


  • e-postmarknadsföring
  • epostmarknadsföring
  • sendbite
  • sendbite of sweden ab

SendBite of Sweden AB is a private held company in Sweden that has been serving both small and corporate companies since 2008. The company was found in 2008 by email marketing pioneer and entrepreneur Mats Lindström, that has been in this area since 2001. Today, SendBite of Sweden serves companies on a global market with it´s top rated email marketing tool, SendBite. 

With over 17 years combined experience and knowledge in email marketing and online communications, we possess the know-how. The goal is to serve the market with a easy-to-use tool, combined with smart and powerful functions that makes our customers reduce costs and increase profitability.


Mats Lindström

Presskontakt VD, Grundare 019-12 73 00