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32 health centres start using MyChild System in Wakiso District

Wakiso, the largest district in Uganda with 2.5 million inhabitants, has completed implementation of MyChild System in 32 health centres. All 32 health centres have started using the system to improve child health service delivery in the district. The implementation has been led by the Wakiso Local Government and supported by Shifo, The Swedish Postcode Lottery, Family Einhorn’s Foundation and private donors.

MyChild System has been specifically developed to address issues in vaccination service delivery and support nurses to provide preventive health services to children under age of 5. It reduces administration and duplicated processes and helps the nurse to effectively follow up on each child’s vaccination status. As data input is made part of the nurse’s work process, the system generates reliable information and helps reveal health service delivery gaps and the root causes for children missing preventive health services.

Based on accurate and real time information nurses, health centre managers, and district leadership can take actions to improve child health services in the district and ensure that every child is reached with lifesaving vaccines and other essential preventive health services they are entitled to. Implementation is only the beginning.

Preparation started in the second half of 2014 and implementation was divided into three key phases: 1) Partnership building with Wakiso's key actors and assessment of health infrastructure, 2) Adjustment of MyChild System to the local needs and deployment of laptops and Internet connectivity, 3) Sensitisation and capacity building of key actors.

Every implementation starts with a thorough assessment of the infrastructure and readiness of the health facilities. Ronald Nakwagala - Shifo’s Service Delivery Coordinator in Uganda, who has led the assessment work, explains:

“MyChild System is synonymous with internet connectivity and source of power for charging the laptops. These are some of the features we look at to qualify a facility. Then to a lesser degree we assess the condition of the immunisation area. Some health facilities have moved immunisation services out of the health centre due to the high demand, sometimes services are provided under a tree . In these cases we try to work with the health centres to find a proper space in the health facility so that we can guarantee the safety of the equipment”.

Geographic scope of the project was decided in collaboration with the District Health Office in Wakiso. Once set, Shifo technical support team visited every health centre to carefully assess their readiness. 32 health centres proved ready during the assessment.

After assessment of the health facilities in Wakiso District, Shifo has secured the provision of laptops and Internet connectivity for 32 health centres. Although the GPRS and/or 3G coverage is fairly good in most parts of Uganda, there are still blank spots or areas which have weak connectivity. MyChild System can be used offline, but it requires connectivity for smooth system updates and transfer of data along the healthcare chain.

Before MyChild System and laptops were provided to the health centres, Shifo team arranged workshops with the District Health Team, where 24 members were introduced to the system and its values. 29 health centre managers were trained in another workshop, and thereafter nurses from 32 health centres got three days of hands on training on MyChild System and its use for improving child health service delivery. A typing game was also introduced to help nurses get used to using the keyboard and speed up typing.

All nurses in the child health centres now start using MyChild System in their daily work. The project now enters into a phase of monitoring and support . Shifo works closely with the District Health Office to ensure the smooth running of the system, continuous capacity building and support from the technical Service Desk.

Shifo will work long-term with the Wakiso District Health Office to mobilise resources and build capacity to sustain the tools provided and implement new features and interventions to further strengthen child health service delivery.

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  • Social issues, General


  • mychild system
  • impact


Nargis Rahimi

Press contact Partnerships and Communications Director