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Together we reached the campaign goal for Mukono District

Together we reached the campaign goal for Mukono District!

Fundraising for Mukono District has been completed. Big thanks to everyone in the Shifo community! Together we made it happen -we have raised the SEK 110,344 needed to complete the fundraising for the campaign - Every Child Counts in Mukono! The funds will be utilised to implement MyChild System in 16 health centres in Mukono District of Uganda.

Once implemented, MyChild System enables health personnel to efficiently register and follow up on every child's vaccination plan. By strengthening work processes and applying the appropriate tools we help solving three obstacles that are currently hindering healthcare personnel from reaching every child with lifesaving vaccines:

1.  As the children are not registered, they do not know who are under-/unvaccinated and where they live. This means that there is no way for health personnel to individually target children who are due for vaccination.

2.  Health units do not have the right tools and methods to follow up on each child’s vaccination plan.

3.  Policy and decision makers do not have reliable data and information on which to base decisions, allocate budget, develop appropriate interventions and evaluate them. With informed decision-making resources reach further. 

The first capacity building was carried out in December 2013. In January this year, three health centres started using MyChild System. The implementation continuous in Mukono District and will be completed within the next few months.

You can still support Every Child Counts campaign and help us implement MyChild System in more districts in Uganda. Remember, every little donation counts! Together we can make it happen!

As a donor you receive individual implementation reports to show how your contribution was used. Meanwhile, we will keep you updated with the progress in the district via the Shifo Newsroom and social media. After the implementation, we will make a Mukono Impact page available where you can follow up on the long-term impact of the project in the district. 

If you have further questions about donations, please check the FAQ or contact us directly.


  • Health Organisations


Nargis Rahimi

Press contact Partnerships and Communications Director