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Rassy family donates newly developed rescue boat to the Swedish Sea Rescue Society

The Swedish Sea Rescue Society received a newly developed rescue boat on the 12 July 2019. The boat is the first of its kind and is donated by the Rassy family.

The new boat is a completely new design, consequently developed for sea rescue. It has the capacity to take 150 persons at a mass evacuation. There is room for up to five stretchers with patients and there is a capacity to drain pump 1 000 liters per minute with several carriers. Furthermore, the boat is equipped with a fire gun to pump and provide water with 1 500 liters per minute and there is also room for having a Rescue runner on the transom with a belonging crane to pick it up and secure the people from breakdowns in tough conditions.

The working environment for the volunteers has been very important in designing the boat. It has a quiet cabin with, among other things, a separate operator site to lead on-scene activities (so-called OSC, On-Scene Coordinator).

- With the donation we received, we have been able to produce the 2020 rescue boat, which feels very good. We hope to be able to build many boats in this class, as it gives our volunteer seafarers a fantastic tool to be able to carry out their assignment, says Cia Sjöstedt, CEO of the Swedish Sea Rescue Society.

It is the Rassy family who donated not only this boat but also the development costs for this new rescue ship class.

As per the tradition for the Swedish Sea Rescue association, the new series get its name after the first boat. The new boat is named Mai Rassy and the class name is the Hallberg-Rassy class.

Facts, the Hallberg-Rassy class
Length: 15.3 m / 50 foot 3 inch
Beam: 3.9 m
Draught: 1 m
Material of construction: Composite
Displacement: 15 tons
Engines: 2x650 HP Scania diesel engines, with water jet 2xMJP X350
Speed: 34 knots
Range: 10 hours
Crew: 3-5 persons
Design: Profjord, Swede Ship & the Swedish Sea Rescue Association
Built by: Swede Ship Marine, Tjörn, Sweden

For further information, please contact:

Magnus Rassy, CEO Hallberg-Rassy, tel +46-70 54 08 470


Lars Samuelsson, maritime leader and responsible for new boat constructions, Swedish Sea Rescue Association, tel +46-31-7614061

Swedish Sea Rescue Society press helpline: +46-31-7614001


The Swedish Sea Rescue Society is a non-profit association that saves lives at sea, without any government support. We are 2200 sea rescue volunteers along the Swedish coast and in the major lakes, prepared to step out in all weathers, all year. We also work to prevent accidents at sea and to spread information and knowledge about maritime safety.




Presskontakt Kommunikation och insamling Presstelefon: 031-761 40 01

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