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​Ice swim ends the brutal winter edition of Tough Viking obstacle race in the arctic resort Are in Northern Sweden, March 21, 2015

After climbing 600 vertical feet the race ended with an ice swim in the frozen lake where chain saws had been used to cut through the two feet thick ice. One of the partners to Tough Viking is the Swedish Defence Forces, which ensures a challenging course. This was the 7th Tough Viking race in the Nordic region and the race director David Klint was thrilled with first Swedish winter edition. 

Official photos.You can use this freely in your media. Please acknowledge photo credit Richard Ström.


  • Sport


  • sport
  • outdoor
  • obstacle race
  • tough viking

Tough Viking genomförs i Åre 21 mars 2015, Slottsskogen Göteborg 25 april 2015, Hagaparken Stockholm 9 maj 2015, Kungliga Djurgården Stockholm 29 augusti 2015 och Brofästet Malmö, 19 september 2015.