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1 million monthly unique visitors on

Trig is pleased to announce that its social media platform has passed 1 million monthly unique visitors for the first time. 

Trig, a social media platform for life, has recently introduced ( via soft launch) its instant messenger application HEYHEY for Android phones and seeing it grow in a very positive manner. A full launch will proceed in late June with the release of the IOS version. 


  • Ny media


  • social media
  • instant messaging
  • heyhey
  • application

Trig Social Media AB through its web site is a global social media platform designed as a social communication platform for life. 

The parent company, Trig Media Group AB, was founded in July 2003 and was earlier named Mobicard Media Group AB.  

Trig is a social media platform which, contrary to most similar platforms, also contains an income generator in the form of ZebraPays which is the trade name for an automated cash back generator. Trig has about 4 million registered members. A patent application has been filed for ZebraPays automated cash back generator.

Trig´s head office is located in Stockholm Sweden but the social media platform has users worldwide. Trig will be publicly quoted on a major International Stock Exchange within short.

The market for online shopping is growing and retailers are looking at many methods of attracting clients , we hope to be a major source for them.

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