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National Geographic purchases Plan Vivo offsets

Ecosystem Marketplace has just published a case study about the use of forest carbon offsets by National Geographic. Offsets from Carbon Tanzania's Yaeda Valley REDD project are purchased as part of the organisation's strategy to reduce operational emissions. The Yaeda Valley project, certified by Plan Vivo, is one of the agroforestry projects within ZeroMission's portfolio.

National Geographic’s Chief Sustainability Officer Hans Wegner, based in Washington, is quoted as saying: “We feel [carbon offsets] are a viable way to deal with those emissions we cannot eliminate in our operations. So long as they are third-party certified, audited and properly accounted for, we consider them an important tool.”

National Geographic has been gradually reducing consumption of electricity, water and gas within operations over the last ten years and uses carbon offsets when no alternatives for internal emission reductions can be found. The offsets from the Yaeda Valley REDD project are used to offset emissions from adventure travel operations.

Forestry carbon offsets are chosen for their co-benefits – National Geographic is willing to pay a premium for offsets from projects that both sequester forest carbon and expand habitats for threatened species. Specific projects are carefully chosen and required to send documentation to Deloitte for auditing.

Read full case study here.


  • Miljö, energi


  • plan vivo
  • zeromission
  • forest carbon
  • forest carbon offsets
  • forest carbon partners
  • u&we
  • klimatkompensation

Om ZeroMission

ZeroMission är världens största återförsäljare av Plan Vivo. Vi hjälper företag och organisationer med beräkning av utsläpp av växthusgaser, klimatstrategier och klimatkompensation

ZeroMission var ett av de första företagen i Sverige som sedan mitten av 90-talet samarbetat med näringslivet för att driva klimatfrågan på frivillig basis i brist på politiskt genomslag. Vi vill vara en katalysator som inspirerar företag och organisationer att gå bortom lagom.  


Peter Wrenfelt

Presskontakt Partner, delägare och analytiker Klimat, ekosystemtjänster, mat, jordbruk, grönt byggande, hållbara städer 08-34 65 65