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Education, Experience, Preferences and Strengths: The future of personality based job matching

When selecting your next intern from a pile of CVs, what do you look at?

Of course candidates' education matters. What they studied, on what level, at which university and with what grades does say something about what they have learned and as such what they may be capable of.

But their education doesn't say anything about what experience they've had. What roles, with what company, in which industries, and for how long? That's obviously important too, when looking at a candidate.

Then again, what a person has done may not always reflect their preferences. What industries are they passionate about, what roles do they see themselves fulfilling, and what goals are they setting for themselves? Can you offer them the opportunity they are seeking, ensuring not only that they will thrive, but that they're delivering great results?

However, most people don't possess full self-insight. Is your candidates' set of strengths compatible with what you want them to do? Do you want a problem solver, someone service oriented, or a good communicator?

Education, Experience, Preferences and Strengths. Do you value all four areas equally, or should some of them weigh heavier when selecting your final candidates?

Education and experience is decently easy to assess as you receive an application. The candidate's resume or LinkedIn profile will uncover most relevant information. But just because they applied to your position, are you sure you offer exactly what they want - and can you know that before the interview? And can you tell what strengths the person has before you've hired them and they've worked a few weeks?

At InternX, we make sure that all these four important areas are taken into account already from the start of the recruitment process. 


  • Behavioral sciences


  • application
  • work
  • personality
  • top talent
  • talent
  • students
  • matching


Anita Schjøll Brede

Press contact CEO +4745507380

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