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Check out the list of the World's Greatest Internships

The cumbersome process of finding relevant internships and evaluating the quality and value of them is plaguing students across Scandinavia. The team at the recruitment startup InternX has screened more than 2,000 internships to present a list of the world's greatest ones. 

Screened and handpicked

As every student has to go through a process of finding relevant and quality internships, there's a huge value in having a compiled list of the best ones. 

Knowing what constitutes a great internship is a central aspect, and InternX is backing this up with extensive research from Universum, the world's leading Employer Branding company. The criteria are taken from the study Capturing the Game Changers, and each nominated internship has been evaluated up against these criteria.

Instead of every student having to manually find and assess every opening, the list on InternX guarantees an important level of quality. And it lets students explore opportunities they might not have been aware of. 

What opportunities do I have?

"It can be difficult to know what opportunities are out there," says Anita Schjøll Brede, CEO of InternX. "Students in Scandinavia aren't necessarily aware of their possibilities, and they're consequently missing out on career-boosting local as well as international internships."

Companies on the Top List include main and well-known players such as Google and McKinsey, unique opportunities such as EF's Global Intern and IBM's Extreme Blue™, and even a range of internships with start-ups, non-profits and other organizations which students are less likely to ever come across at a career fair.

To check out your top list of opportunities, visit InternX!

Related links


  • University, University College


Anita Schjøll Brede

Press contact CEO +4745507380

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