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Zlatan’s new sports drink for high performance athletes

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Zlatan’s new sports drink for high performance athletes

On 29th March, Vitamin Well launches two new sports drinks – VW+ 001 and its sugar-free alternative VW+ 002. The drinks have been produced in collaboration with Zlatan Ibrahimović and have been developed to provide the body with optimal conditions to perform during your workout.

Ever since Vitamin Well and Zlatan began working together a year and a half ago, Zlatan had a clear goal – he wanted to make a sports drink that he could use at trainings and matches. Zlatan sought out what he needed in form of salts, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates associated with strenuous physical activity. The result was Vitamin Well+, the next generation of sports drinks for those who train hard.

‘I have always trained a lot but haven’t found a drink that works optimally. If you can´t find what you need, you have to make it yourself’ says Zlatan Ibrahimović.

With Vitamin Well+, Vitamin Well takes on an entirely new segment and the goal was clear from the very start.

‘When developing functional beverages, there is often need for compromise between optimal content on the one hand, and flavour on the other. With VW+, focus has been solely to create the perfect sports drink’ says Jonas Pettersson, CEO and co-founder of Vitamin Well.

Vitamin Well+ is available in two varieties, one containing carbohydrates and one without.

VW+ 001 is primarily made for athletes whose training involves endurance and high intensity, in order to maintain high performance over long periods of time.

VW+ 002 is sugar-free and made for those who need to replace the loss of fluid and salts when they workout but do not want to take in carbohydrates.

Vitamin Well+ will be available throughout Sweden from April 11th. Pricing will be about SEK 28-35 in convenience stores and SEK 20-25 in grocery stores.

In connection to the launch, Vitamin Well and Zlatan have made a film that is part of the campaign - We are just warming up.Its making took place in Paris, where Zlatan lives today, and in Rosengård, where his career began once upon a time.


VW+ 001 is a sports drink that consists of a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution. The beverage contains a combination of electrolytes, amino acids and vitamins. Protein is composed of amino acids, of which nine are essential, i.e. supplied to the body through food since the body is unable to produce them by itself. BCAA are examples of such amino acids. Intense exercise leads to a breakdown of muscle and because of this, your muscles need protein to repair. The amino acids in VW+ 001 are added to reduce muscle breakdown. The carbohydrates provide added energy during prolonged endurance exercise. The beverage also contains magnesium, which helps maintain the body's normal energy-yielding metabolism and muscle function.

VW+ 002 is a sugar-free alternative.

Electrolytes - electrolytes (salts) such as sodium, magnesium, chloride and potassium. Carbohydrate and electrolyte solutions contributes to the maintaining of endurance performance during prolonged endurance exercise and enhances the absorption of water during physical exercise.

Amino acids - amino acids are the building blocks of protein.

Sustamin (L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine) - a combination of the amino acids L-Alanine and L-Glutamine.

Magnesium - contributes to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Magnesium is needed for e.g. the normal protein synthesis.

Vitamin D - contributes to maintain normal muscle function, among other things.

Vitamin B5, B6 and B12 - contributes to a normal energy-yielding metabolism and to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Zinc - amongst other things, zinc contributes to normal carbohydrate metabolism

Carbohydrates - carbohydrates is the common name for starch, dietary fibre and sugars. Carbohydrates is an essential source of energy.



Om Vitamin Well

Vitamin Wells affärsidé är att under eget varumärke utveckla, producera och marknadsföra vitamin- och mineralberikade drycker med en tydlig funktionalitet för konsumenten. Läs mer på www.vitaminwell.se


Joel Ibson

Joel Ibson

Presskontakt Head of Communications +46766264400

Relaterat innehåll

Vitamin Well - den svenska vitamindrycken

Vitamin Well är en svensk vitamin- och mineralberikad dryck som utvecklats för att vara ett smartare och mer hälsosamt alternativ till läsk, juice och andra stilla drycker. För mer information om produkterna, besök gärna www.vitaminwell.se.

Vitamin Well

Box 22075
104 22 Stockholm