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Watersprint and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Professor Muhammad Yunus, create a sustainable clean water solution in Bangladesh

Watersprint, a Swedish company developing intelligent water purification and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Professor Muhammad Yunus, will develop a sustainable clean water solution called Micro Production Centers as a pilot project in Bangladesh in the near future. Today a large section of the population in Bangladesh use arsenic contaminated water for drinking and cooking.

Watersprint has developed a system based on UV-LED technology to make it possible to run a Micro Production Center for water cleaning and disinfection via a solar panel, which also charges a battery for 24/7 usage. The solution is extremely energy efficient and has a very low cost. The center will be operated by a local entrepreneur.

“We want to combine the social business model with Watersprint’s unique technology to assure safe drinking water to village communities”, says Professor Muhammad Yunus.

“With this new technology we will take another important step towards a sustainable water situation in developing countries”, says Anders Ruland, CEO at Watersprint. “For the first time a water cleaning solution can be setup and operated without a high level of complexity and large costs”, continues Mr. Ruland.

There is a severe shortage of clean water in the world today. According to the report “The rising pressure of global water shortages” by Jan Eliasson, UN Deputy Secretary-General, 750 million people have no access to safe drinking water and nearly 2 million children under 5 years die every year due to lack of clean water and decent sanitation.

Professor Muhammad Yunus, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the Grameen Bank and inventing microcredit. He also invented the concept of the Social Business which enables access to technology to ordinary people and access to new services and solutions to solve social problems globally.

To learn more, please contact Professor Muhammad Yunus and Anders Ruland, CEO at Watersprint at, +46 (0)738 453963


  • Ingenjörskonst


  • social business model
  • sustainable clean water solution
  • lund
  • medicon village
  • watersprint
  • sweden
  • nobel peace prize laureate
  • professor muhammad yunus
  • bangladesh
  • uv-led technology
  • anders ruland

Watersprint innovates, develops and offers water purification products and systems for a sustainable society. Our operations are environmentally friendly and energy efficient. The company has expertise in water, nanotechnology, IT and telecom. We are located at Medicon Village in Lund, south of Sweden. Home page

Press Contact, tel +46 (0) 735 464364

The Yunus Centre, in Dhaka, Bangladesh is a think tank for issues related to social business, working in the field of poverty alleviation and sustainability. It is aimed primarily at promoting and disseminating Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus’ philosophy, with a special focus on social business and is currently chaired by Professor Muhammad Yunus.


Rickard Carlsson

Presskontakt Sales and Marketing Manager at Watersprint AB 0735464364

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