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We continue to develop Werel to become Scandinavia's most interesting electricity company. In October, we launched a website with significantly expanded functionality. Here customers can upgrade their electricity contracts and monitor their own consumption and electricity prices in order to consume electricity in a smarter way. In parallel, we launched a mobile app with the same functionality. The website and app are designed to make it easier for ordinary people to become smart and updated electricity consumers.

The next step for us is to launch a special offer for homeowners who want to invest in solar power. Our aim with the new offer "Nordic Light" is to turn the relationship between us and our customers upside down. Instead of paying for electricity consumption, we make it possible for ordinary people to invest to get free electricity. We have a few issues left to solve before we are ready to talk about the new offer, but I promise you that it will be exciting.

With the new services, we leave the traditional business model of earning money by selling electricity. That model is eventually doomed. We must change our behavior to save the climate and the planet. New technology has now reached a stage where it allows us to make this change. Werel and our customers will stay ahead.

The reshaping of our business places new demands on the organization. To meet these demands the customer service and administrative functions have been transferred into a separate company which was spun-out to its employees in November. Their intention is to become an outsourcing company selling their electricity products to us and others, as well as delivering customer service and management under its own brand.

Peter Swartling, CEO

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