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QuizRR — a fishing rod? Check out what was said at the debate

The QuizRR-team had an inspiring week at Almedalen where we in collaboration with our partners held a debate on decent and safe working conditions in the global supply chain and many visitors took the

opportunity to test our digital educational tool and discussed corporate responsibility, rights and responsibilities.

Human rights, sustainability and digitization were reoccurring topics during the week and therefore we were happy to see such large number of people joining us at our seminar, discussing how Swedish companies can contribute to sustainable improvements of workplace conditions for millions of workers worldwide. “ Provide a fishing rod and not a fish”, said Viveka Risberg, director at Swedwatch as she stressed the importance of education and social empowerment in the global supply chain. Sara Winroth and Elin Larsson, sustainable managers for Lindex and Filippa K both described the difficulties in influencing the already existing factory culture in Asia. They both see QuizRR as a great next step in improving workers’ rights and responsibility in the supply chain going beyond code of conduct and audits, driving improvements of working conditions in factories. Anders Ferbe, Chairman of IF Metall, said that a successful business in 2015 must be sustainable and Jonas Borglin, the CEO of NIR, concluded that the two buzz words in Almedalen were a digitization and responsible businesses and that is what QuizRR is about.

Summary of the debate ” Den svenska modellen i global leverantörsled — kan ett kunskapsquiz förändra världen?” (in Swedish)

Article in Diggit (in Swedish):


  • Working life


Henrik Enocksson

Press contact Marketing & Communication Manager +46735023237