Blog post -

Give that bag a rest

* This post is written by Haw-San Au-Yong, the Principal Consultant of Edits Inc." *

This is a picture of my "bag perch", I call it.  It's where my bag and table pouch goes to rest after a full day out, bearing the burdens of all the things make them carry around everyday.  It's nothing fancy - just a simple, sturdy, white IKEA plastic stool.  It's right next to my desk, near the stationery drawers, at just the right height so I can peek into it when I'm seated at the desk.  

Once I get home and park the bag, all the items not needed for the next day (or next appointment) are taken out, and those which are then added.  The phone and tablet also comes out to be juiced up before their next outing.  Then when I'm ready to leave the house the next time, it's just grab and go.  

It's so simple, yet the bag perch gives me such joy in the mornings and evenings. 

I know, I'm beginning to sound kooky here, but bear with me a little.  Just think about it - getting organized is really about showing respect to our possessions and honoring them for the service that they have provided.  

Respect? Honor?  Yes, you betcha.  Read the last sentence again if you need to. 

You see, when we can see the things we own from this perspective, and treat them with respect, we'd feel very differently about the space that we inhabit.  We wouldn't let our things hang forlornly around or be strewn about anymore.  Most of all, we'd find it a great joy to place things back to where they belong - almost as if we're tucking our child into bed.  

Recently I read a book titled "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying" by Marie Kondo.  She wrote about this same attitude of respect and honor toward our things.  And it was so cathartic to read the book while clearing my own house (for the impending move), because Ms. Kondo gave words to the emotions I've felt when handling my client's possessions all this while (and now mine).  There were times when I even felt I was having a conversation with the item I was handling (weird, right??). 

Just to clear the air - it's not a sense of respect in the sense that "I'm afraid to get rid of anything", but a respect that gives me the freedom to send them off to where they best deserve - whether it's to the closet, the recycling bin or someone else's home.  

And the funniest thing is - it's really liberating - for me and for the items too!

So, if you're into some clutter-clearing yourself during this holiday season, do pick up the book - you'll love it.  Or if you have a friend who needs some help getting started, it's the perfect gift for the holidays!

And stay tuned to this blog to find out more about how I'm clearing my home to prepare for le bigmove, stay tuned to this blog. 


  • Consulting


  • professional organizer
  • getting organized
  • 5s
  • tidying up
  • konmari method


Haw-San Au-Yong (San)

Press contact Operations Efficiency Consultant and Professional Organizer Operations 94318057

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