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News Release: Going Global

Goodrich Global’s head honcho shares his views on the Prestige Brand Awards 2010

With a staff strength of 140 in its Singapore office, Goodrich Global has also expanded overseas to have 18 regional offices in seven countries,  including China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India, Thailand, Indonesia and Dubai. Indeed, Chan Chong Beng, CEO of Goodrich Global, has come a long way and emphasizes that though success is not easy to achieve, with the right attitude, companies can surely reach the stars.

Chan explains, “This year, the winners hail from diverse industries that include logistics, food and beverage, manufacturing and travel and have all excelled in one way or another. Most importantly, these winners have demonstrated clear vision and excellence in their branding endeavors.”

In fact all these companies both past and present winners share common traits of determination, innovation and visionary acumen. They have been innovative and opportunistic in their branding activities and understand the importance of branding in the local market, while also growing their brands in the international arena. Chan also shares that over the years, SPBA has been gradually recognized as a “stamp of approval” for many companies who are embarking on branding initiatives, which he believes can propel them to greater heights.

When queries on why Goodrich gave up competing in the SPBA after four consecutive wins, Chan explains that Goodrich Global has benefited significantly after winning major awards that include Singapore Small and Medium Enterprise 500, Overall Winner for the Entrepreneur of the Year Awards and Singapore Prestige Brand Award –Distinctive Award. And in 2007, Goodrich Global was recognized as the overall winner of the Citibusiness Regional Brands at the Singapore Prestige Brand Award. Therefore, “having participated in the SPBA since 2004, I believe that it was time to give up-and-coming companies opportunities to shine and be recognized.” adds Chan

Last but not least, Chan is glad that local Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) realize the importance of branding and their enthusiasm for participation. And he strongly hopes that winners can continue their brand  journey as winning is only just the beginning.



Source: - Featured in Home Concept February 2011


  • Business enterprise


  • branding
  • excellence
  • award winner
  • award winners
  • sme
  • smes
  • international company
  • global company
  • goodrich global
  • overseas
  • chan chong beng
  • regional
  • ceo goodrich global
  • success
  • brand
  • singapore prestige brand award
  • singapore small and medium enterprise 500
  • overall winner for the entrepreneur of the year awards
  • citibusiness regional brands
  • overall winner
  • overall winner of the citibusiness regional brands
  • spba


Jean Leong

Press contact Regional Marketing Manager (65) 6787 8787 Goodrich Global