Press release -

Developing the Future CEOs of Singapore

AUSTRALIA, SINGAPORE | 15 December 2015: High View MD, Danny Teo, who earned his own

qualification as a business coach in Australia, is pleased and proud to be appointed the Singapore

licensee. “We will be focusing on helping local enterprises build capabilities and seek opportunities

through the development of their senior leaders,” he said. “The Future CEO program will address the

current development needs of business leaders and keep them informed and educated on the latest

developments in leadership and management best practice from around the world.”

The Future CEO program is structured around peer groups of rising executives from different

businesses, learning with and from each other in a stimulating and supportive environment. The

process is guided by an experienced chairman-facilitator, who brings professorial or doctorate

credentials and practical business experience to the table. The program is based on a blended learning

model, providing a mix of facilitated and experiential learning that fosters personal as well as

professional development.

This appointment coincides with the introduction of a Curriculum Framework for the Future CEO

program, which prescribes 15 key subject areas that Chairmen use to develop highly focussed meeting

agendas to meet each member’s learning goals and current needs. 5 core topics are specified in each

region annually, in order to deliver solid outcomes that are directly relevant to the challenges and

opportunities faced in the local business environment.

“The Curriculum Framework adds a formal element to the program that ensures comprehensive

attention is paid to all aspects of a CEO’s responsibilities,” explains Esme Alfred, The CEO Institute’s

Global Manager - Certification & Licensing.

After attending 30 half-day (or 15 full-day) meetings, eligible Future CEO members are awarded Provisional Certification as a Certified CEO, conferred by The CEO Institute in its capacity as the first

global certification body for chief executives. Global certification has been offered by The CEO Institute

since 2011.

“Certification provides an objective means of establishing credibility,” said Mr Teo. “Having an outside

entity verify your credentials as a CEO-in-waiting, and being able to use the post-nominal CCEO(prov),

provides our Future CEO members with a valuable point of difference.”

High View Leadership Centre plans to offer the program in Mandarin, as well as English. Mr Teo says

“This is to cater for the substantial Chinese business community based in Singapore.” It will be the first

time the program has been translated and conducted in a foreign language.

Ms Alfred sees this and other licenses taken up in the area, as important steps in supporting Asia’s

development of its future business leaders. “Our recent trade agreement with China identified

education as a key export for Australia, providing an important link within the Asia-Pacific region,” says

Ms Alfred. “We are delighted to see the establishment of the Future CEO program in Singapore and

look forward to appointing more Licensees in the region and beyond."


  • Corporate training

About High View Leadership Centre

High View Leadership Centre provide leadership training programs for corporate leaders. It also offers

management consulting and business advisory services to Small and Medium Enterprises in Singapore, and

access to business tools that assist in post-training implementation.