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Did Somebody Say Quintuplets?

Imagine going through around 1200 Baby Wipes and over 350 Nappy-Pants in just one week! Thanks to a donation of a year’s supply of Huggies Nappies and Wipes, the family of Australia’s quintuplets can scratch these essentials off their shopping list.

With a 1 in 55 million chance of naturally conceiving quintuplets, it’s no surprise the Tucci family from Perth became household names in Australia (and around the world) when they discovered they were going to welcome quintuplets – that’s 5 new babies – to their family with 3 children already!

With parents Kim and Vaughan struggling to make ends meet and having to quit their jobs to look after their new extended family in a full-time capacity, Kimberly-Clark Australia seized the opportunity to make life better for the family, donating a year’s supply of Huggies Nappies and Wipes to help them cope with the associated costs of their unexpected larger family.

Thanks to the donation, the family are not only saving money on these essentials, they don’t need to worry about running out or shopping for them for a year.

The story has attracted a huge amount of publicity both in Australia and globally including international media outlets such as the BBC, Daily Mail and The Independent.

Click to view a snip of the story featured on 60 Minutes.


  • Environment, Energy


  • essentials for a better life
  • in the news


How Lay Ling

Press contact Communications, Asia Pacific

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