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Doctor's Tips to Brighten Dull, Unattractive Skin

Exposure to the harmful UV rays is one of the leading causes of skin damage. In addition to the UV rays, environmental pollutants and unhealthy lifestyle can be contributing factors for premature aging. Wrinkles and hyperpigmentation may become visible on your face as you grow older. 

The UV rays from the sun can damage the DNA and may cause cancer. Over time, the darkened skin appears dull and unattractive.

We talk to Dr. Siew Tuck Wah from Radium Medical Aesthetics as he tells us more about about premature aging and skin dullness and how to improve our skin tone, restoring brighter, glowing skin.

Why is my skin dull?

Dull skin is one of the most obvious signs of aging as skin renewal slows down between 5% and 10% every year. Over time, dead skin cells build up, giving you a grayish-looking appearance regardless of your skin tone.

To put it simply, any factor that deprives the skin of oxygen and nutrients will result in dull skin. Accumulation of dead skin cell buildup prevents the skin from reflecting light, making your skin look grey and sallow.

Other than over-exposing the skin to UV rays, dehydration is also a common cause of skin dullness. Dehydration decreases the volume of blood flow to the skin, making you look pale and sickly.

Although drinking water is a good way to stay healthy, Dr. Siew points out that dehydration is not as simple as drinking 8 glasses of water a day. Dehydration can affect both epidermal and dermal layers. Epidermal dehydration is often indicated by fine lines, and dermal dehydration may result in deeper wrinkles and sagging skin.

Tips to brighten your dull skin effectively

Exfoliation One of the most effective ways to brighten the skin immediately is to exfoliate the skin regularly. Microdermabrasion is an effective treatment that gets rid of the dead skin cells accumulated on the surface.

Sunscreen It is impossible to ask you to stay away from the sun. The truth is that even when the sun is hanging low, UV rays are still present and can still cause significant damage to the skin. Always look for an effective broad-spectrum sunscreen that is at least SPF50. Reapply the sunscreen every two hours, and more regularly if you are doing water sports.

Moisturize your skin On top of your sunscreen, make sure you include a good quality moisturizer in your daily skincare regime. Make sure you read the labels and ingredient list. Choose those with high-quality ingredients with natural extracts.

Skin brightening treatments If you have the cash to spare, consider visiting an aesthetic clinic in Singapore. While getting some aesthetic treatments might seem like a luxury to some people, in reality, it is something everyone should consider. Dual Yellow Light is an advanced skin brightening laser that instantly gives you the glow after one session. The laser from Dual Yellow Laser corresponds well with the absorption peaks for most pigmented conditions. It only targets the pigments without causing any damage to the surrounding skin.

Dermal dehydration can be addressed easily with Restylane SkinBoosters. The treatment is performed by delivering very soft hyaluronic acid dermal fillers under the skin using a series of micro-injections. By administering dermal fillers directly into the skin, it brings deep skin hydration to the treated areas. It plumps up the skin immediately, giving you a firmer, brighter skin tone.

Rejuran Healer is administered in the same way as Restylane SkinBoosters. It is a popular skin healing treatment is often referred to as PDRN treatment, miracle healer injection, or 婴儿针.Rejuran Healer contains DNA extract obtained from fish source. It has powerful skin healing capabilities by repairing severely damaged skin and reduce overall signs of aging including wrinkles and fine lines.

Watch your dietIt helps to watch what you put into your body. As the saying goes ‘You are what you eat’. Make sure you switch your desserts and fried food with fresh fruits and vegetables. These healthy foods with powerful anti-oxidants can definitely help you to shed a dull, tired complexion. In fact, loading up your diet with anti-oxidants can reduce the damage by free radicals and reduce the risk of premature aging.

Radium Medical Aesthetics is a medical aesthetic clinic in Singapore that offers a wide range of anti-aging and aesthetic treatments that is tailored to individuals, giving you customized program to meet your anti-aging needs.


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