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Creating Pleasant Washroom Experience for Your Employees and Guests

Promoting clean and well-maintained public washrooms is an important aspects part of local regulation efforts in maintaining public health. Besides infrastructure design that caters sufficient space to move around, particularly high traffic premises or peak usage period, expectations and needs around hygiene facility and safety remains as critical concerns. Based on Harris Interactive’s research findings from 1,100 respondents (females and males aged 16 to over 61 years old) from Singapore, 96% has concerns on the cleanliness in public washrooms and 88% feel that essential washroom solutions are air fresheners and sanitary bins, and 80% needs hand drying elements such as paper towels and hand dryer. It is a legal requirement for facilities management and business premises owners to provide washroom solutions such as hand soap, paper towel and sanitary bin.

The overall responses from 5,500 respondents in total (1,100 per country) across several demographic groups from the following countries Australia, UK, Germany, France and Singapore shows 27% of the respondents would prefer dry floors and surfaces, 29% require pleasant smell, 33% need the provision of sanitary waste disposal bins made available and 28% requires no stains, marks or finger prints.

Foul odour from used pads would attract files, and chocked drainages and blockages incur additional repair costs if pads are not being disposed properly. Initial Hygiene provides female washroom users with a discreet and hygiene solution to manage this challenges. Feminine hygiene units are integrated with antibacterial properties and sensor functions, this can protect users against germs contamination risks. Scented bin liners deliver a continuous, pleasant fragrance and reduce odours. 

For more information on our solutions to manage your washroom challenges, please contact 6347 8138 or


  • Business enterprise, General


  • initial hygiene
  • sanitary bin
  • facilities management
  • hand soap
  • washroom solution
  • washroom sanitation


Agnes Chua

Press contact Senior Marketing Executive +65 6347 8617