Press release -

SIT signs MOU with LTA, SMRT, SBS Transit and NDTSS to Further Develop SIE Programme

The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Land Transport Authority of Singapore (LTA), SMRT Corporation Ltd (SMRT), SBS Transit Ltd (SBS Transit), and Non-Destructive Testing Society of Singapore (NDTSS).

The MOU seals a landmark partnership between SIT, LTA, SMRT, SBS Transit, and NDTSS to jointly develop a high quality and industry-relevant curriculum for SIT’s new Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (SIE) programme [Master of Engineering Technology & Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Land)] to be offered from AY2014 onwards. The MOU signing was witnessed by Mr Tan Cheng Guan, Executive Vice President & Head Group Business Development & Commercial at Sembcorp Industries, in his capacity as Chairman of SIT’s Industry Advisory Committee (IAC) for Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering.

SIT works closely with industry partners to ensure that the highest standards of education are maintained through continual consultation, adoption of best practices and joint developmental activities. Thus, the new partnership aims to promote joint research and development in fields of mutual interest, and exchange ideas resulting from such work.

One major highlight of SIT’s new degree programmes is the Integrated Work Study Programme (IWSP). During the IWSP, SIT students will be involved in daily work operations within their host organisation and are guided by their professors to use the work experience they have gained to enrich their coursework. SIT aims to elevate the role that industry leaders play in guiding the work-study pedagogy of the SIE degree programme through its partnership with the various land transport organisations.

Another unique feature of the SIE degree programme is the opportunity for students to opt for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) certification (ISO 9712, in collaboration with the NDTSS) to enhance their industry-readiness prior to graduation. This is a significant departure from the industry norm where Engineering students typically attain NDT certification only after they begin employment, and are often only able to do so in-house within their companies.

Professor Tan Thiam Soon, President, SIT, lauded the industry’s efforts in supporting industry-relevant tertiary education, "I am heartened that our industry partners show tremendous faith and great interest in our students. The needs of the industry are changing and so must our teaching and learning ways. Our industry partners play a big part in supporting our curriculum development and ensuring that we stay industry-relevant. I hope this partnership will open up more avenues for our students to grow their industry experience and to also ground themselves with practical, hands-on knowledge.

The need for a skilled workforce is apparent, and it is vital that our skilled workforce is also nimble and adaptable as Singapore’s businesses restructure to move up the value chain. Our students, who will be imbued with the values to learn, unlearn, and relearn, are ready to take on Singapore’s growing challenges. We envision our students, as ‘thinking tinkerers’, will be much sought after in a rapidly-evolving economy."

"As part of our efforts to develop manpower capabilities to support and sustain Singapore’s public transport (PT) industry, LTA has been supporting the curriculum development for the new SIE programme by providing both the developer’s and the regulator’s perspectives. Through this MOU, we hope to develop a high quality programme that will also support our growing rail industry. This new programme will widen the pipeline of graduates for the growing rail sector and provide progression for diploma holders, who are already in or wish to join the industry." said Mr Lew Yii Der, Group Director for Corporate Planning & Research, Land Transport Authority.

Kang Huey Ling, Principal, SMRT Institute said, "The Memorandum of Understanding marks an important step forward in deepening SMRT’s ongoing commitment to help our workforce of tomorrow gear up for a dynamic career in the public transport sector."

Mr Wong Wai Keong, Executive Vice President, Rail, SBS Transit Ltd said, "We welcome this collaborative effort with SIT to develop a programme that will help build a pool of qualified engineers for our rail network and ensure that the industry's growing needs are met."

"SIT’s SIE BEng programme with Professional NDT certification would be a great programme to students to get into placement immediately after the graduation; students would achieve the relevant experience ahead of their graduation, and the programme would be the first of this kind in the Asia-Pacific region," said Mr S K Babu, President, Non-Destructive Testing Society (Singapore).


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