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Seeing Singapore's past through art

The Singapore Story is exactly that: about Singapore' s part through art, depicting the lives of the people and conditions from the time of the island's founding by Sir Stamford Raffles in 1819 to its present state as a global city. 

The purpose is to show how blessed Singapore is to have had the visionary leadership of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first Prime Minister, back by his colleagues, in particular Dr Goh Keng Swee, Dr Toh Chin Chye, Mr S. Rajaratnam and Mr Lim Kim San.

Have a travel back in time as the paintings at The Singapore Story bring visitors through the various stages of life in Singapore. The slums, the simple life, hawkers peddling food on the streets, going to the markets in Chinatown, bum boats lining Singapore River, and the filth and unpaved roads all over the island. Sanitation was poor - disease such as malaria, measles, and other infectious diseases were prevalent. Healthcare was basic. Infant mortality rate was high and average survival age was around 60 years.

Today, Singapore is no longer in the backwaters. It has been transformed into a first world city that Singaporeans are proud to call home. Its citizens enjoy the best of health care, and people live longer lives.

Visit The Singapore Story from now, till 30 June 2015.
At Suntec City (right beside linkway between mall & Convention Centre)
Opening hours: Daily, from 11am - 7pm (last admission 6.15pm) Closed on Mondays

(Article header image originally from

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