Press release -

Fire Departments and Emergency Operations Centres in Sweden choose Exonaut to improve Command and Control capabilities

In the spring of 2015 4C Strategies met with Attunda Fire Department and Södertörn Fire Protection Association to demonstrate Exonaut as a management system, able to communicate and visualise information to all stakeholders.

Exonaut enables emergency services personnel in the field to receive real-time information from SOS Alarm and the command centre in Stockholm via an app on their mobile phones. The app enables field personnel to organise the supporting resources prior to reaching an accident and in addition provides live reporting from the scene. This enables a greatly enhanced situational awareness and is communicated to all concerned

"The mobile tool creates opportunities for the management and monitoring of rescue services for both preventative and operational activities. The system's flexibility and simple functionality enables us to further develop our work" says Patrick Johansson, Head of Operations at the Södertörn Emergency Services.

Exonaut provides enhanced support from the moment the rescue vehicles are on their way to the scene of an accident. Operational plans and approach instructions with important information about current buildings and destinations are automatically picked up by the system and made available to the users and resources that will handle the incident. This combined with continuous updates from SOS Alarm and the rescue centre means that there is better knowledge of the conditions and communication of these factors before they arrive at the site.

As Exonaut updates all users authorised with the current status this complements the existing systemA third party, such as volunteer resources, can easily install and log in to Exonaut via their tablet or smart phone and take note of the information they have permission to see. Meanwhile all resources can be visualised on a map and managed by the system's built-in communication function.

Thanks to all relevant personnel being able to easily share the information in the system, an instant picture of the sequence of events can be seen. As key observations can be made in the form of text, audio, images or video, a variety of observations can create a more informed assessment of the situation.The current (RAKEL) radio communication system is complemented with enhanced visual and textual communication with the introduction of Exonaut.

Exonaut is also expected to reduce the time currently devoted to writing reports. The stored information easily can be extracted into tailored reports.

"Exonaut has the potential to support the Attunda Fire Department with navigation support, better availability of intervention support, greater legal certainty for documenting decisions for both internal and external management, and also the ability to share information with member municipalities and other stakeholders outside the blue-light world" says Sten Andersson, Strategist Operational Manager at Attunda Fire Department.


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4C Strategies is a leading international provider of risk management solutions. We provide our public and private sector clients with the skills, tools and End to End solutions they require to "Build, Verify & Track" their Readiness capabilities across the risk, business continuity and crisis management spectrum.


