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Connected products are a strong presence at Elmia Subcontractor

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Connected products are a strong presence at Elmia Subcontractor

Elmia Subcontractor is bringing the Internet of Things into the manufacturing industry. The fair’s new inspiration arena interweaves exhibitors with interesting presentations – all with a focus on the many possibilities of connected technology.

“Our ambition is that visitors to the inspiration arena will see the possibilities from their own perspective and then visit the exhibitors who can deliver the services,” explains Magnus Mörstam of RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, a network of Swedish research and technology organisations that is coordinating the new venture for Elmia Subcontractor. “Together they can start exploring how the Internet of Things can be used in their own business.”

He argues that increased digitalisation is not just about new business models such as Uber, Airbnb or Spotify. It is also a reality that Swedish industry must relate to.

“It’s neither very interesting nor sufficiently concrete for manufacturing companies to listen to the journey made by Uber or Spotify. It’s more interesting for them to be inspired by actual products that already exist in the market.”

Greater customer value

The inspiration arena presents products from a number of industries that have used connected technology to increase customer value. These include everything from making a process more efficient to giving added value to a product, but also showing the whole process of how products are transformed into a new business model.

One of the companies in the new exhibitor segment of the inspiration arena is the IT consultancy Cybercom, which focuses on both smart products and services.

“At Elmia Subcontractor we’ll be showing how companies can develop business models in a connected world,” says Patrik Lägermo, Business Unit Manager at Cybercom in Jönköping. “We will explain which tools exist and how easy it is to develop demonstration solutions and do validations. One of our fundamental pillars is that companies should not spend too much time developing products and services on the drawing board but instead go out and test them in reality.”

Connected flows

Two of the products at the inspiration arena come from Husqvarna, one of the world-leading companies atInternet of Things, with its self-propelled lawnmower and associated Automower Connect service and the new Battery Box business project.

“Keeping up with technological progress is unavoidable,” says Petra Sundström, Director Idea and Innovation Management at the Husqvarna Group. “Very soon everything will be connected in a flow of data. This is a fact, and keeping it at arm’s length can be tough.”

There will be plenty of opportunities for inquisitive visitors to explore the lectures and discussions at the fair about the Internet of Things and its impact on industry.

“On stage on Wednesday 15 November, I will talk about our exciting projects at Husqvarna and how we think about the Internet of Things,” Sundström adds. “If you want to know more about the technology or have your own good ideas, you should definitely come and listen.”

“Many companies are feeling stressed about the new technology – we’d rather show what opportunities exist,” concludes Karla Eklund, Business Manager for Elmia Subcontractor.

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