Press release -

4C Strategies contribute to 1st Austrian-Swedish Cyber Security Exchange

On 11th February the Swedish Ambassador to Austria brought together over 80 prominent members of Sweden’s and Austria’s critical infrastructure organisations and industry experts to host the first exchange between the two countries on the subject of Cyber Security.

Companies and organisations including Austrian Railways, Austrian Powergrid, Ericsson, Vattenfall, Vienna Airport, the Swedish and Austrian Armed Forces and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency spent the day at the French Embassy in Vienna discussing the challenges posed in today’s digital environment.

The initiative was developed and run by Business Sweden in Austria.

4C Strategies ran a mini-crisis exercise to give participants the experience of some of the key considerations to be taken into account when encountering a crisis of this nature.

"The event brought together a wide spectrum of talented individuals from diverse organisations to discuss the real issues being experienced in this ever growing area of concern. We found it to be a good platform for knowledge exchange and identifying business opportunities" commented Rod Kilgour, MD for 4C International.


  • Economy, Finance


  • England

About 4C Strategies

4C Strategies is a leading international provider of risk management solutions. We provide our public and private sector clients with the skills, tools and End to End solutions they require to "Build, Verify & Track" their Readiness capabilities across the risk, business continuity and crisis management spectrum.




About Business Sweden

Business Sweden facilitates and promotes the growth of Swedish companies abroad and investment opportunities for foreign companies in Sweden.