Press release -

Aurora Telecom Intend to Capture the SME Business-to-Business Telecom Market

Chester based Telecom company are looking to provide small business' with precisely what they have been looking for - faster, reliable and affordable business phone and broadband services.

About the firm:

For a decade or more, UK telecommunication firms have focused on capturing the growth in the consumer market as mobile phone usage became universal and this focus has led to them failing to serve the growing number of small businesses. Forecasters in 2016 predicted that the consumer market would continue to grow at 0.6% annually with the B2B market growing at 2.6% so with this prospect in mind Aurora Telecom committed themselves entirely to providing small businesses in the UK with the telecom services needed to support the growth of SME’s.

While other Telecom companies have been held back by their failure to identify the opportunity that lies beyond the market that historically fueled their profit pool, Aurora Telecoms B2B focus has allowed them to put together a unique way of dealing with small businesses requests. The B2B opportunities lie in reducing churn, increasing wallet share, maximising profit and managing migration to IP technologies. Market researchers have outlined that that profitability in the B2B sector tends to run lower than the consumer business due to high levels of customisation, sophisticated buyers and lower margins. Aurora Telecom understands however that investment payback times are more significant in the B2B market.

To embrace the B2B market the firm is tailoring their approach to improve their service and they are using a three-pronged approach:

1. Establishing a commitment to understanding their customers better and tailoring their products and services to these individual needs and therefore Aurora promise to adapt their offerings to deliver effective products and services to small and medium business.

2. Create a product portfolio with scalable modular set offers. - They are also looking to invest in solutions that are modular and reusable to avoid the pitfall of developing systematically bespoke telecom solutions. They will be tailoring their approach with standard converged bundles.

3. Continuously improving through clear customer feedback loops – B2B environments can be more complicated and Aurora telecom understands this. Unlike consumer telecoms where the company is dealing with one unit in B2B telecoms the firm will have to consider multiple dimensions of the company and their differing need. Aurora Telecom wants to ensure their clients that they consider their feedback loops extremely important and they will always be listening to how they can improve.

With these three strategies in place, the firm is confident that they will continue to deliver their current and future clientele with the telecom services they require.


  • Telecom


  • aurora telecom


  • Cheshire

01244 62 10 20

Aurora Telecom specialise in providing Phone and Internet services to small businesses with a great price and even greater customer service at the heart of how we do business.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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