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CEO at Goldstream Inc. publishes a list of 5 books to change your life

Award-winning entrepreneur and founder of Goldstream Inc., Dan Coolican argues that books can prove to be the source of great motivation. The CEO has published a list of 5 books to change your life.

About Goldstream Incorporated:

Entrepreneur and founder of Goldstream Inc., Dan Coolican has always been fixated on not settling for the mediocre lifestyle. The businessman believes there is unlimited wealth within the relationships that are shared between people and as such, his goals are centred around the notion of the growth and development of these connections. Dan Coolican spends much of his time investing in the future of young entrepreneurs and helps to develop individuals to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Part of the journey to success is how a person educates; much of this education can come from reading the correct type of books. Entrepreneur Dan Coolican argues that books are one of the most significant sources of motivation when working towards goals. Here he shares a list of five books that he believes can change a person's life.

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield helps the reader break through their inner resistance.

Flow: The Psychological of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi will teach how to channel flow.

Mastery by Robert Greene teaches how to play the long game and achieve a higher level of success.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho will teach a person how to achieve their dreams.

The Game by Neil Strauss teaches that specific patterns of behaviour work with different people.

‘A book can be your greatest source of power' states entrepreneur and owner of Goldstream Inc., Dan Coolican. ‘Reading produces so many benefits that can be implemented into a person's life and their work. Reading helps to stimulate the mind and keep the brain active; it increases a person's knowledge making them better equipped to take on challenges plus it helps to improve levels of focus and concentration. I always promote the benefits of reading when mentoring young entrepreneurs because of the positive results that come from it' added Dan Coolican.

Based in Nottingham, Goldstream Inc., are specialists in face-to-face marketing techniques that allow them to create long-lasting relationships with their client's brand and their customers. As advocates of entrepreneurship the firm work with many young entrepreneurs who are looking to build successful careers in the sales and marketing industry. The company has many development opportunities in place to help career progression and entrepreneurship.




  • Working life


  • goldstream incorporated


  • Northamptonshire

Here at Goldstream Incorporated we know new Marketing tactics and strategies are emerging all the time. We also know that what our clients want, is new customers, more loyal customers and customers that want to spend money. That’s why we help businesses re-define how they market and connect to their ideal customer base.

We think its important to build relationships, show customers your products and offer complete, real-time reporting of consumer feedback and actual sales.


Dan Coolican: CEO

07490 353 511


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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