Press release -

Element Events discuss the importance of fast thinking in the sales and marketing industry.

Sales and marketing firm Element Events believes to succeed in the modern business environment; people need to be able to think on their feet. The firm has spoken out on why they feel fast thinking leads to higher risk-taking and business success.

Element Events is a Manchester-based outsourced sales and marketing firm that describe themselves as the four elements, understanding every element that a business needs. The company has an impressive list of clientele that provides strong testimonials that only support their remarkable mission statement.

About the firm -

The firm has an active business development programme that offers a vast variety of opportunities to young professionals that are eager to succeed in the industry. Element Events' opportunities are open to individuals of all backgrounds, teaching them the skills and qualities needed to progress in such a competitive industry.

The firm is eager to teach their young professionals the skills needed to succeed in an industry which they must adapt to their surroundings. Element Events details how every client within the sector has a unique set of needs and aims, which they are teaching their young professionals to pinpoint. In the sales business, it is an essential skill to be able to think quickly, ultimately having a hand in driving success.

A recent study has found a direct correlation between fast thinking and risk-taking. Researchers found that an increase in technology such as social media provides a consistent and never-ending update of information, resulting in pushing individuals towards riskier behaviours. Ultimately the series of experiments found that the speed at which an individual thinks impacts, whether they are to make a more dangerous choice with a significant impact from technology, i.e. flashing lights in a casino, may cause a person to place a faster, and riskier bet.

Element Events explores how risk-taking is a crucial ingredient in success, and ultimately having the knowledge to run a business. The firm is eager to encourage their aspiring entrepreneurs to frequently leave their comfort zones, make riskier choices and learn from hands-on experiences. Element Events is keen to hear from ambitious individuals looking for a new and exciting challenge leading up to 2018. 


  • PR, Communication


  • element events


  • England

CEO – Carlton Roach


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director