Press release -

Inspire212 put pressure on the competition by releasing their 2018 goals.

2017 has seen the sales and marketing solutions firm move from strength to strength, even outgrowing their initial office space. So, with 2018 on the horizon CEO Jenna Hadden has already set her targets on a bigger and brighter future for herself and her team. In a recent interview, the young entrepreneur was quoted, "We would like to expand nationally; we would like to open up five offices next year and be able to take on various clients. Our goal is to provide the highest quality service for our clients and inspire young entrepreneurs to reach their full professional potential." With big goals in the pipeline, the firm has revealed how they set about setting goals destined for success: 

About the firm:

Put Your Goals on Paper: Small businesses and entrepreneurs need to follow their short-term goals initially; the early days are littered with learning opportunities that will shape the future processes and highlight opportunities for business. By adopting balloon goals, a small business or entrepreneur can try varying methods that after each quarterly review will allow specific methods or approaches to be strategically popped.

Review Your Progress Daily: Ensuring accountability is made for inadequate time management will boost productivity quickly. Everyone should start the day with a clear to do list and spend 20 minutes in the evening evaluating progress and setting the agenda for the next day ahead.

Increase Your Market Share: Be sure to tailor a percentage of new products around existing customers as their loyalty to the brand will offer a higher return than continually chasing new business. Naturally, new customers should be sought too, but take care of the ones who are already valuable customers.

Create a Roadmap for Your Goals: When goals follow a journey, they make more sense to everyone involved, demonstrate a path of action which over time is likely to be altered to suit the changing position of the company. Regularly review what worked, and what didn't for the most effective goals.

Prioritize Your Customers or Clients: Ensure the brand vision matches customer experience. Run regular reviews of external perception of the brand to ensure the business is remaining on track. Inspire212 hold weekly meetings to reiterate the brand's vision to ensure everyone stays on track.

Jenna Hadden of  Inspire 212 states "Make personal and professional goals which matter to you, inner values and social responsibility is the driving force behind success. Often, I meet people who make goals to please others, I've noticed these often fail as they don't have any backup passion, always remember step one, figure out your mission and take it from there."


  • Business enterprise, General


  • inspire 212


  • England


Managing Director: Jenna Hadden




Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director