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One 10 teaching their contractors to thrive on competition and creativity

The firm is currently teaching their contractors the importance of putting creativity and competition at the heart of what they do to not only create a fun company culture but to also push themselves out of their comfort zones. 

One 10 is a successful sales and marketing agency built to service individual client needs. The fast-growing business vowed to support entrepreneurship. The firm stands behind their motto, “One10 is an agency that thrives on competition and creativity.” They encourage their contractors to embrace competition and creativity. In a bid to inspire, this week’s morning meetings saw everyone learn about Jonathan Mildenhall, CMO of Airbnb, his background and his success.

One 10: About the Firm

One 10 believe business owners should think like marketers, understanding the need to remain in touch with the competition, the firm is confident the most effective way to guarantee this is to inspire creativity throughout an entire business.

Jonathan Mildenhall has an extremely successful marketing background in which he credits the foundations his mother laid during an underprivileged childhood. He describes his childhood as a platform to learn the importance of respect, compassion, empathy, emotional intelligence, warmth, positive energy and love. All these lessons allowed him to become an ambassador for humanity and channel his marketing strategies to add value and inspire others. Working alongside Coca-Cola allowed the marketing expert to learn that effective marketing protects a brands ability to create, working as a protective blanket.

One 10 used the success story of Jonathan Mildenhall to inspire an alternative perspective on how to attain success while adding value and integrity to each campaign. Consistency is key to success in business, and to boost productivity and quality the firm use incentives.

As a competitive team, the agency also run weekly team sports nights to channel competitive spirit within the organisation. The investment in enrichment consolidates the value each person adds to the firm and reinforces the "work hard, play hard" culture that flows throughout the company. By encouraging interpersonal relationships, the firm has seen a dramatic increase in brand loyalty and productivity. The businesses core values boost engagement between contractors and has improved customer experience throughout the entire business model.

The marketing experts will continue to develop their contractor's skillsets through workshops, motivational meetings and access to conferences and seminars led by industry experts.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • one10

Lewis Morton: President

One10 is an agency that strives to offer a genuine alternative to reaching your target audience.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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