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Platinum Marketing Global responds to reports that “Business is the Ultimate Sport”

Platinum Marketing Global, Jacksonville’s leading direct marketing agency, has long spoken about the correlations between business and sports. The firm has now responded to an interview with entrepreneur Mark Cuban in which he describes business as the ultimate sport.

Mark Cuban is a world-famous businessman and investor with a keen interest in competitive sports, and also the owner of the Dallas Mavericks and 2929 Entertainment. In a recent interview with, the business owner detailed the links between a career in entrepreneurship and competitive sports.

Platinum Marketing Global: About the Company

The entrepreneur explores his thoughts behind the statement “Either you want to win, or you don’t want to win - it’s (business) very competitive.” Platinum Marketing Global explores this statement within their own business model, describing how running a company is hard work and comes with its own competition and burning desire to improve, which can be drawn with parallels in competitive sports.

Cuban examined his exploration into his belief that ‘business is the ultimate sport’, citing that both industries display hyper-competitive attributes, non-stop action, a consistently changing landscape and an eager drive and battle for the ‘title’. The business owner continues in explaining that owning a company is a full-time job that is 365 days per year, arguably requiring more dedication than a sporting career.

This hypothesis is one that resonates with Platinum Marketing Global, with the firm’s Managing Director Patrick Anilus displaying similar thoughts on the subject.

“Business is a hugely competitive industry; you have to consistently learn new strategies to out-perform the competition. Cuban’s musings on the subject are spot-on and I’m hopeful this latest article by will see aspiring entrepreneurs look to the industry with the discipline that young sporting professionals so frequently adopt,” declared the business owner.

Platinum Marketing Global is the Jacksonville-based direct marketing agency that has a strong focus on the business development of their contractors. The firm looks to their company as a sporting team, and is consistently aiming to increase the skills and abilities of their aspiring entrepreneurs.

Any individuals wishing to find out about current opportunities with the business can reach them via email on



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Managing Director: Patrick Anilus

Platinum Marketing Global, based in Jacksonville as of 2017. Platinum Marketing Global works with a variety of Fortune 500 clients in industries such as telecommunications, food distributors, office suppliers and, Non-profit organizations.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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