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Caravan sites and curfews

61% of caravanners believe that all caravan sites (touring and static home) should have curfews according to new research from

The caravan insurance specialists asked over 400 of their customers* what their views are on caravan site curfews and found that:

  • 45% of those who were in favour of a curfew said that 11.00pm was a sensible curfew for a family site;
  • 25% said 10pm.

When asked: What time do you think is a sensible curfew for an adults-only site?

  • 42% said 12pm;
  • 27% said 11pm;
  • 24% said there shouldn’t be a curfew.

Commenting on the study, Richard Burgess, Director at Cover4Caravans, says: “On the one hand, this could suggest that caravanners are a conservative bunch but when you consider that the government standards for noise at night is 11pm**, we can see that the majority of caravanners like to have fun - whilst still showing consideration for other. This reflects our view that the caravanning community is a great community to be a part of.”


* Survey of 400+ Cover4Caravans customers September 2017.


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  • Media, Communication


  • caravanning community
  • curfews at caravan sites
  • caravan curfew
  • camping holidays
  • caravan news
  • caravan holidays

About Cover4Caravans 

With roots going back to 1946, our clients can benefit from over 70 years’ of experience in the caravan insurance marketplace. We are independent intermediaries and act on behalf of our clients in arranging their caravan insurances. Our service include advising clients on their insurance needs, arranging insurance cover with insurers to meet those requirements and help with any ongoing changes that have to be made to your caravan insurance policies.