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Carry on caravanning says insurance specialist

Research last month* suggested that 85% of Brits plan on having a staycation this year. Yet, despite it being a great British tradition, just over one in ten (12%) plan to go camping or caravanning. Caravan insurance specialist wanted to find out what put people off a caravanning / camping holiday.

They found the main reasons for avoiding a caravan holiday were that it was “too basic” (50%), whilst just over a quarter (27%) said that the cost of a caravan holiday was prohibitive. Surprisingly, nearly 1 in 5 people (18%) said there is a stigma attached going on a caravan holiday

Commenting on the study, Richard Burgess, Director at Cover4Caravans, said: “Our survey has shown that, for some people, a holiday in a caravan still carries images of being in a noisy, cramped, tin on wheels, with communal showers and poor facilities. In fact, one of the respondents said that staying in ‘dingy caravans’ as a child turned them off.

“This has changed, however, and caravans nowadays can be luxurious, comfortable places, with the latest gadgets and gizmos. A caravan holiday offers all that other UK holidays do, but without a hefty price tag, worries about airport queues and baggage charges, and very real concerns over terrorism”.

“We urge those of you looking to book a holiday in the UK this summer to look twice at a caravanning or a camping option - you could be very pleasantly surprised.”


* Independent research carried out on behalf of Cover4Caravans by Usurv, February 2017.


Richard Burgess, MCIM, ACIEH, Cert CII, Director at Cover4Caravans, telephone: 0845 863 9558 or email:


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  • camping holidays
  • caravan holidays
  • uk holidays
  • uk caravanning holidays

About Cover4Caravans 

With roots going back to 1946, our clients can benefit from over 70 years’ of experience in the caravan insurance marketplace. We are independent intermediaries and act on behalf of our clients in arranging their caravan insurances. Our service include advising clients on their insurance needs, arranging insurance cover with insurers to meet those requirements and help with any ongoing changes that have to be made to your caravan insurance policies.

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