Press release -

Just 17% of landlords in England can legally issue section 21 notices new research reveals

Landlord insurance specialists are warning landlords with properties in England the importance of providing tenants with the Government How To Rent: the checklist for renting in England guide.

Richard Burgess, Director at Cover4LetProperty explains: “Landlords need to be aware of their obligations relating to the How To Rent guide under the new Section 21 legislation that came in to force in October 2015. Failure to comply means they typically will not be able to issue a Section 21 notice and terminate a tenancy legally.

“In fact, our own research* revealed that just 17% of assured shorthold tenants that started or renewed their rental agreement on or after 1 October 2015, said they had been given a copy of the How To Rent guide.

“This is worrying. If landlords in England don’t issue this guide, then they are not complying with the new Section 21 legislation.”

Mr. Burgess points to the Government site for the latest version saying: “The guide can be in hard form or electronically, but it MUST be given”.


* Independent survey of 100 tenants carried out January 2018 via Usurv.

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  • Law


  • landlord legislation
  • section 21
  • private rental sector stats
  • let property

About Cover4LetProperty 

With roots going back to 1946, our clients can benefit from many years’ experience in the landlord insurance marketplace. We are independent intermediaries and act on behalf of our clients in arranging their buy to let and unoccupied property insurances. Our service includes advising clients on their insurance needs, arranging insurance cover with insurers to meet those requirements and help with any ongoing changes that have to be made to their landlords insurance policies.

Contact: Stella Hulott, Speedie PR, Tel: 01843 831088, email: