Press release -

Vocational Education 4 Women in Uganda

Vocational Education 4 Women in Uganda

Renewable Energy Project
eSeeker Uganda is in final stages of establishing a training center for renewable energy in Uganda. The target group is youth and women. The training is focusing on  one year vocational courses .
At the end of the course the students have to be able to work comfortably with renewable energy in one of the following: solar water hear, solar photovoltaic or biogas.

To be able to make this project a reality, eSeeker has taken two approaches:
1    To create partnerships with international partners (Finland and Sweden) and national partners (Locally in Uganda)
2    For successful implementation of the project, to brake the target to:
i            Renewable energy training for only women (mainly farmers) in Busoga region in Uganda
i    Renewable energy training for youth and women (targeting youth who completed high school) in Busoga region

Names of local partners and roles:
eSeeker Uganda:
To establish a consortium of local partners or collaborators for the project, to participate in curriculum and content development to localize content, participate in implementation, monitoring and evaluation process

Busoga University:
This is a private university in Eastern Uganda located in Busoga region. It was established in 1998 and now has over 2500 students it has educated. It has agreed to work in partnership with eSeeker Uganda in offering vocational education.
To approve the developed curriculum, provide certificates during completion of the course, working space at a fee (Classes, labs, workshop), to the universityís name in promoting the training center within Uganda and Internationally.

Brosdi (Busoga Rural Open Source and Development Initiative)
This is a local NGO that has three main programmes areas in Agriculture, Health and Education. It operates in over 7 districts in Uganda including the region Busoga region where eSeeker is establishing the training center.
Brosdi  implements eSeekerís vocation renewable energy training project in the agriculture programme. This will focus on only women in the agriculture sector as source of energy and alternative means of income. As a local NGO, it has participated with eSeeker in developing a project proposal that is seeking funding from the Finnish foreign ministry. Brosdi will monitor and evaluate training of women farmers in Busoga region for a one-year project.

International Partners
INUG  Engineers without boarders , Sweden
This is a Swedish NGO that accepted out proposal and accepted the following roles:
-    To develop a vocational education curriculum on renewable energy (Solar Photovoltaic and water heater) and Biogas that will also incorporate entrepreneurship and basic ICT. (This part is done in conjunction with eSeeker and Education Finder)
-    Help in seeking funding for setting up a training center for youth and women in Busoga region
-    Help in gathering volunteers to train local teachers that will be employed in the training center.

Apuperille ry, Finland
Finnish NGO established to implement educational development projects.
Apuperille role:
-    To partner with the Ugandan NGO BROSDI in implementing the women renewable energy training
-    To conduct monitoring and evaluation of the women renewable energy project in Uganda and also provide guidance in several stages of the project,
-    To seek funding within Finland for the project (an application for 2012 Finnish foreign ministry has already been prepared and will be submitted to the ministry in week 24)
-    To seek volunteers for the training center for research, and training purposes among other activities internationally.

About eSeeker, Uganda
eSeeker Uganda is a local education organisation established in 2011. eSeeker is to provide vocational education, research and guidance on practical work to youth, women and the vulnerable in Uganda. eSeeker is using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a tool to enhance the quality of education and improve on the efficiency of vocational and technical workers within Busoga region.

The Organisation works in partnership with Education Finder Sweden AB as a shareholder.
eSeeker will adopt Education Finderís method of using eLearning along side the traditional face to face learning. Through eLearning, eSeeker provides a solution for enhancing Life-long learning and breaks down learning barriers associated with space, time and distance. The emphasis of adopting ICT as an integral part of learning is to provide an opportunity to students to get access to information around the world via the World Wide Web and the Internet.


  • Adult education


  • educationfinder
  • elearning
  • uganda
  • eseeker uganda
  • solar energy
  • mkfc

EducationFinder has evidence of learning successes from 15 years of eLearning practice. eLearning has made it possible for everyone to take part in quality education wherever they live and whenever they want to. EF has been a pioneer in developing and practicing distance education and received the in 2008 Boldic Award for our implementation of eLearning methods.

The basis of the success has been: governmental support, approval and appreciation from the management of the schools and committed teachers.


Alamdar Khan

Press contact Project Manager Project Management +46 821 64 26