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Volunteering for ellenor is an absolute privilege

When Pauline Page retired two and a half years ago, she wasn’t sure how she was going to fill her time.

“I didn’t really have any hobbies and my children were grown up,” says Pauline. “I was talking to my HR Manager and she suggested I should do some voluntary work, as she said I was a ‘people person’.”

Pauline gave ellenor a call and came in for a chat.

“I was offered a volunteer post on ellenor’s inpatient ward and I remember thinking that being on the ward would break my heart,” says Pauline. “I honestly didn’t think I’d cope but how wrong could I be! Over two years on and I love every minute I spend on the ward with the dedicated nursing staff and other volunteers, patients and their families. It is, without shadow of doubt, one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.”

She continues: “I spend time talking to the patients, making them drinks and serving their food. Sometimes patients need a little encouragement to eat and I’ll assist or feed them if necessary. Sometimes the family need a hug and some reassurance and I love to provide that little bit of comfort.”

Pauline also volunteers at events – and even helped out Father Christmas in his grotto at our children’s Christmas party recently!

“On Monday evenings, I am on the ward answering the ‘on-call’ phone – this involves mostly dealing with our home care patients and their families who have queries and concerns needing immediate attention,” says Pauline. “I consider my time volunteering for ellenor to be an absolute privilege.”

Pauline’s hard work as an ellenor volunteer was recently officially recognised when she won an award at our achievement evening.

If you’d like to find out more about volunteering with ellenor, call 01474 320007 or click here:


  • Kent


Basia Wilson

Press contact PR Manager 01474320007