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Ma. Bo. from Italy has been a regular visitor at Elmia Subcontractor for the past five years. The photo shows sales manager Pierluigi Casadei at his company’s stand at this year’s fair.
Ma. Bo. from Italy has been a regular visitor at Elmia Subcontractor for the past five years. The photo shows sales manager Pierluigi Casadei at his company’s stand at this year’s fair.

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Strong growth for Italian mechanical engineering company

Perseverance pays off. The Italian company Ma. Bo. is exhibiting this year at Elmia for the fifth time and sales manager Pierluigi Casadei has seen strong growth for the company.

“It gets better and better every year,” he says. 

Ma. Bo. is based in the northern Italian town of Correggio but 20 percent of its sales revenue comes from Sweden. So it is no surprise that the mechanical engineering company comes to Elmia Subcontractor.

“Of course it’s a big market for us, with customers like Husqvarna, Alfa Laval and Sandvik. Elmia Subcontractor is a good fair to exhibit at to meet new customers and then we will see if new markets open up,” Casadei says.

Exhibiting at the fair has definitely paid off in the long run.

“We want to grow and Elmia Subcontractor is helping us do that. Visitor numbers have increased and our participation gets better and better each year,” he says.

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