Press release -

Energy saving project reveals electrons have evolved into primitive lifeforms


Scientist have observed electrons working inside a mobile phone for the very first time.

Incredible Images show electrons have evolved into sub atomic lifeforms.

Discovered in Bristol this finding has significant implications for Bristol’s year as Green Capital 2015. If electrons are living creatures then saving energy has direct implications for preserving new life.

Research details

For the first time ever Scientists at Brunel’s Experimental Techniques Centre have used the latest electron beam microscope to observe the way electrons actually work inside modern computers and mobile phones. No-one has ever before been able to look so far down into the structure of a sub-atomic particle and seen what electrons actually look like and exactly how they function. The pictures and videos that have been captured show some exciting results, the consequences of which could change the direction of scientific education in the future.

All of the evidence obtained so far points towards the fact that our previous assumptions, that electrons are an inanimate lifeform storing charge in a process of spin, is likely to be wrong. The images show a far more complex interaction where electrons still appear to be an evolving. They could soon become living organisms with real potential to develop thoughts and feelings of their own.

This discovery was made in university laboratories near Bristol and has important implications for Bristol’s year as Green Capital. Energy saving is a key aim of the Green Capital campaign so the knowledge that it will also help protect a fragile new lifeform should bring extra impetus and attention. More importantly the generation of new types of renewable energy should be the focus of intensive research to study how these new life forms develop.

Gary Molton, a member of the Bristol 2015 Green Capital Partnership says “These are exciting times. The amazing video footage of living electrons should encourage far more young people to consider a engineering career as well as play a more active role in saving energy. We must remember that we only started to generate electricity around 200 year ago; it’s likely that electrons have been evolving ever since.”

The first videos of this research can be found at

This is intended for release on April 1st although is part of a growing series of animations designed to engage children and increase their interest in engineering. The first stories form part of a wider campaign to encourage energy saving for Bristol Green Capital. Further videos are planned to cover the fundamentals of electrical engineering and digital electronics, providing effective aids to teachers in their classrooms.


  • School


  • education
  • science
  • electricity

Engineering Adventures are producing a series of energy saving cartoons for Bristol Green Capital 2015