Press release -

forWhereiAm is Technology Reviewers' Favourite

The Society of Information Technology Management (SocITM)'s Better Connected 2015 report is out and forWhereiAm (FWiA)'s targeted communications platform has been recognised as one of the reviewers' favourite innovations.

SocITM is a professional body for IT and digitally enabled services and promotes the effective and efficient use of Information Technology in Local Government and the Public Sector. Better Connected is an annual survey of all (407) UK local authority websites and is now in its 17th year. The aim of the survey is to identify and promote good practice amongst council website design and presentation. The main survey is carried out by a team of reviewers using more than 280 structured questions.

Argyll and Bute Council, who have been using our technology to power the "What's happening near me?" section of their web and mobile sites, have performed exceptionally well this year and have been featured as one of only 6 "Reviewer's Favourite" sites in this year's report. This is an outstanding achievement on their part as the report covers all UK local authority websites.

The council uses Drupal as their content management system (CMS) and have an FWiA module embedded into their website which talks to our targeted communications service behind the scenes. Our API technology can readily service any websites and mobile apps regardless of what CMS is being used and is not restricted to just Drupal.

Robert Miller, Argyll and Bute's Customer Service Support and Development Manager, said, "As a relatively small but geographically spread organisation, we have to be creative with the solutions we deliver; that's why we're delighted to be recognised by SocITM as one of their favourites. There is no doubt that utilising FWiA technology has had a part to play in this success and we are confident that its feature-rich technology will continue to see us at the forefront of public sector IT."

Dr Nazish Aslam, FWiA CEO, said, "Working with Argyll and Bute council has really helped us understand the needs of local authorities and we are confident our technology can be applied to solve many of the communication issues such bodies face constantly in this ever-changing world."

If you would like to discuss the FWiA technology and how it can help solve your communications challenges, please drop us a quick email at and we will be more than happy to assist.

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  • Tourism


  • public sector
  • innovation
  • communication
  • targeted
  • hyperlocal
  • forwhereiam


forWhereiAm harnesses a real time message broadcast network that connects organisations directly to consumers with accurate, relevant, location-focused information.

forWhereiAm's technology enables organisations to provide super-relevant information - whenever, wherever and however their users want it. 

Its Enterprise Solution has been specifically designed for use by local authorities, retail multiples and tourism boards - in line with their channel shift and digital strategies. The technology service can be used to augment an organisation's existing online, mobile and landline communication platforms, giving them a more localised (hyper-local) dimension. Resulting in improved communication with users at an overall lower cost.