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Will it pop? Innovative movies show how airbag for cyclists work

Since the launch of the Hövding airbag cycle helmet, thousands of cyclists from around the world have been in touch to ask whether or not the airbag will activate in a specific scenario. Many cyclists wonder how the Hövding will react when they ride over curbs, brake hard, take things out of the cycle basket or become involved in an accident in slippery conditions or a collision.

Hövding is therefore releasing a series of eight short movies that answer consumers' most frequently asked questions on the Hövding in an innovative way.

"This is a new way of packaging safety. We want to show how the Hövding works in different situations and thereby answer some of the questions that we know that existing and potential Hövding users are asking", says Patricia Möller, Head of Marketing at Hövding.

Hövding's new generation of airbags for cyclists, the Hövding 2.0, was introduced at the beginning of 2015. It is a further advance on the first generation and is the result of assiduous research and development, as well as feedback from many dedicated Hövding users.

The eight short movies to be launched will show critical situations in which the Hövding either inflates or not, based on the cyclist's pattern of movement. "I hope the movies will help people understand how the Hövding works and that they will also make people a bit curious, because who doesn't want to know whether the Hövding will inflate if you cycle straight into the water from a high jetty", says Patricia Möller.

The first movie was made with the Limhamn Griffins American football team. It will answer the frequently-asked question of how the Hövding reacts when you get hit. Instead of showing a traditional accident, Hövding have chosen to show a cyclist being attacked by a group of American football players.

All the movies are available on Hövding's YouTube channel:

Hövding’s airbag helmet for cyclists is already on 15 markets throughout Europe and in Japan. It is being sold in nearly 400 shops and online.

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