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Employee Involvement is the key to a safe workplace

Lesjöfors Springs America Inc. is a safe workplace. Thanks to extensive work for many years, the company now announces achieving a six year safety milestone regarding Lost Time Accidents. 

Lesjöfors Springs America Inc. has been a part of the Lesjöfors Group since 2014. The company specializes in producing power springs with factories in the USA and Mexico, where most of the production focuses on customer based spring solutions.

This summer the company and its employees celebrated a safety milestone of six years with no lost time accidents at the factory in Scranton. The factors behind the success are many. Thanks to continuous improvements in targeted safety areas, as well as involved co-workers, they have managed to keep safety at work on a very high level

“We are happy and proud of this safety milestone”, says Brandy Davies, MD of Lesjöfors Springs America Inc. “We’ve made necessary improvements in areas like machine guarding and housekeeping, but most of the success lies in the involvement of our employees. That is why we have chosen to celebrate this impressive accomplishment and show appreciation for all of the fantastic work everyone has done”.

All activities are overseen and followed-up by a safety committee that also ties the knot in completing tasks to assure worker safety at the factory. The tracking of near misses is vital in assuring that accidents are prevented. Routine safety meetings are also key.

The achievement of 6 years with no lost time accidents was celebrated by all and common recognition was provided to each employee, management, staff and associate, since each and every employee contributes to this milestone achievement with equal enthusiasm.

For more information, please contact
Brandy Davies
MD Lesjöfors Springs America Inc.
+1 570-585-7729


  • Working Environment


  • power springs
  • springs


  • England


Erik Kolsrud Aas

Press contact Marketing Director Lesjöfors AB Industrial Division +47 22 905701

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