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Mas.s showed his work in three exciting locations in Central London last week.

Mas.s, the original Dutch artist,  can look back on an extraordinary week. Exposing his work in three different exciting locations in Central London. "The Chianciano Biennale in London", 30 artists where invited to show their work in the Gagliardi gallery in London, "The Tunnel Project" an international group exposition in Fitzorvia and the ongoing exposition of 5 works in Farm Street Church in Mayfair. 

Mas.s, living and working in London is just back from Italy from a successful "Unity in Diversity" solo exhibition. He is thrilled by the exposure his work is receiving in Central London. He says "I am humbled and very much stimulated by all the positive reactions I receive on my paintings. I do make work of art, but I am also telling a story. People are touched by that, and that's very important to me. I like to breath hope, joy, colour, movement and contrast in my work. Art is essentially about stirring the soul, I am truly privileged to experience that."

In the coming weeks he will conclude his series of large works and be involved in various filming activities. One of which is the documentary about his life called "Life is beautiful. Always". A reflection on his life, full of ups and downs. Mirroring hope and and inspiration. He says "Both in my work and in my life I wish to radiate this unstoppable and mysterious love for life." He is also involved with filming and working on charity initiatives. 

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  • Art


  • Mas.s
  • contemporary art
  • painting
  • expressionism
  • gagliardi gallery


Marcel Schreur

Press contact Visual Artist 0777 232 1772