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Attention Please!! A colourful painting questioning our ability and duty to really listen.

Mas.s continues on his quest to break superficial relationships in his newest oil painting called " Attention please!!".  "Get real!" he says. In his special style he lets the viewer focus on our right to be heared. " We have to take every person serious. Old, young, poor, rich, strong, weak, healthy etc.etc.. We have to take time for eachother. We all want quality time, we al need quality time. It is a duty, a right and answers one of our deepest needs." He says "Just really listen".

He has pictured this in his powerfully and colourfully. Simply drawing our attention to to two persons in a room. One energetically trying to engage with the person opposite and the person oppsite, allthough looking the other person straight into the face, being absent. His thoughts are elsewhere, his eyes are elsewhere, his attention is not there. Mas.s says " How often have we been in this situation of not getting attention, of not being heard, of not being seen. It is a humiliating, degenerating  and a very painful experience. We know that the person(s) you are engaging with are just not there. There is no love."

He calls for an attitude of care with everyone, anytime, anywhere. He says "It is a duty and a right to stop and give attention to someone if that is needed. Maybe there is no direct and immediate gain for the person thats absent but in engaging you engage in life and receive accordingly, always!" 

Not engaging with eachother causes problems, both on a personal level as well as in society at large. People become objects. He says "In my experiences I have found that a huge number of people have a very low self esteem, of being worthless. They can be very rich in the eyes of the world and still very very lonely." He is asking for simple attention for eachother.


  • Education


  • communion
  • expressionism
  • love
  • painting

Mas.S is my artist name.  I have  found the creativity to express myself through the following paintings. I have painted some elementary topics in society at large in a new, fresh and colourful way. I hope you like it and be blessed through them. Love and Prayers. Mas.S


Marcel Schreur

Press contact Visual Artist 0777 232 1772

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