Press release -

Impact! A spiritual painting depicting Christmas but also a cry from the heart in the wake of the Sandy Hook Massacre.

In the run up to the festive season, Mas.s wanted to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas. Starting to paint "Impact!" 2 weeks ago, projecting the impact of Love, The heart of Christmas.

Last Friday the Newtown,  "killing of the innocent", had a profound impact on him. Madness, evil had struck. He wanted for a bullet to be shot in the middle of the art work to show his outrage and unbelief. Impact! But he changed his mind.

He says, "Christmas is a very special time for many people. Depicting the impact of Love as the essence of Christmas has been playing on my mind for a long time, I found the expression in the painting. It shows that every decision I make, every action I take, has a profound impact, not only on me but on numerous other people directly around me and beyond the sight of my eye or mind."

Then from the other side of the Ocean came the devastating news of the killing of the Innocent. "I watched the news channels in unbelief. I cried. Impact!"

In the days that followed he tried to cope with this atrocity. He goes on "Last night I deviated from my message of Love, the impact of Love. I painted 27 hands in bright red. I wanted to express the impact of this action on the innocent, their families,  America and everywhere else. At home last night I discussed the possibility of shooting a bullet in the heart of the painting. Showing the effects of the projectile on the innocent and beyond, far beyond. Looked on the Internet to find a shooting club in London for the bullet to rip through the middle of the artwork. There was a very divided response in the family about this very radical statement. I did have time to think, not being able to go to our or any neighbour to shoot a bullet in a paintwork because of the gun restrictions and laws in Great Britain."

He says "I have finished the painting today. Painted the other hands in a different colour ,  I will stick with the message of Love. The 27 innocents in Newtown will be remembered, they are part of us now. They will not be forgotten."

He turns to President Obama and to the government of the U.S "Mr President, I know that Sandy Hook will be at the forefront of your conscience. It will not go away. Senseless murder, privately owned assault weapons? These are only symptoms, symptoms of a wrangled sense of freedom and security.  America needs a change of heart. Never mind the mind, enough reasons and laws not to change. 

The fiscal cliff Mr Obama? Money is nothing.  America has fallen of the wisdom cliff. Laws without wisdom is synonymous with madness. For the sake of freedom? America is in a dungeon already and the key is lost. Please mr President, please America! Come to your senses. All of them. Only you can have this change of heart.  You can do."

Mas.s finishes " The innocents will be in the hearts of the rest of the world. We will remember them and their families, especially this Christmas. I believe in the impact of Love." 

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  • Education


  • massacre
  • expressionism
  • newtown
  • sandy hook
  • love
  • christmas

Mas.S is my artist name.  I have  found the creativity to express myself through the following paintings. I have painted some elementary topics in society at large in a new, fresh and colourful way. I hope you like it and be blessed through them. Love and Prayers. Mas.S


Marcel Schreur

Press contact Visual Artist 0777 232 1772

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